The Final battle (part 1): That Night

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a/n sorry if this chapter is messy :") i hope it's clear, action scenes aren't exactly easy to write


Other two days passed and finally the caravan stopped, near the city. Newtopia was surrounded by two circles of armoured newts and toads, waiting for the rebels to come. They couldn't get closer.

The plan was prepared: after a first diversion, Anne and Sasha will sneak inside the city and go in the flying castle. The rest of the army, instead, will attack the city. 

The sun sets one last time over the sea but no one goes to sleep. Not that night. That night, they fight. 

Anne exits her wagon and searches for Sasha. All the toads are ready, the frogs are still getting used to the heavy weapons. Sasha is looking at the dark city from an high hill before the beach. The other army is waiting for them. 

Anne comes close to Sasha without making a sound, silent as a cat. She doesn't breath to be the more sneaky she can. All of sudden she jumps and hugs Sasha's waists, pulling him a little behind. Sasha makes a little, surprised, yell. 

-Anne! Oh, damnit!- She says, offended, but as soon as Anne starts laughing he laughs with her too. They exchange a fast hug. 

-Are you ready?- Anne says and Sasha nods. They both smile. 



The other army is protecting the city only on the side of the beach. On the side of the sea there are almost no guards above the walls and, of course, the army can't stand near the city because of the water. So, Anne, Sasha, Jelly and Sprig drags in the water a little boat they built that morning. 

Sasha and Anne starts rowing and the boat slows come close to the walls of Newtopia, crossing the water. Jelly writes calculus on their notebook to be sure there's nothing wrong in their plan. Sprig is assembling the three pieces of the pocket-sized catapult that will shoot Jelly on the other side of the walls. 

The boat stops, guided by Anne and Sasha, right under the huge highness of the walls. Anne raises her head and feels the world spinning around her. She blinks a few times, returning lucid. Jelly helps Sprig positioning the catapult on the boat. Sasha smirks seeing the little machine. 

-You sure it is safe, Jelly?- She teases them. Jelly swallows, shakes their head. 

-Absolutely not, but sadly Joe Sparrow can't come here if the guards aren't distracted...- The little newt murmurs, scared. Anne caresses their slimy head and makes them a comforting smile. 

-You'll be fine!- She says. Sasha starts searching inside her bag for the smoke bomb. She conserved one from the last school party, when she and Anne almost destroyed the principal's office and the infimatory. Anne smiles, she feels warm when she thinks of her stupid feats with Sasha. She lows her gaze to not look at him as a dark thought starts shaking her. She doesn't want that night to be the last of their lives, but she's scared, even if nobody can see it. 

-Found it!- Sasha laughs grabbing the little smoke bomb. It's a little, metallic cilinder, not bigger than a palm, and yet it's one of the most powerful things Anne has ever seen. Sasha grabs is, ready to lighten it up. He glances at the three in the boat. Anne, Sprig and Jelly nods. 

-Let's dance, babe!- Sasha screams as she pulls the little tab at the top of the cilinder. She raises the smoke bomb and a huge, coloured, green cloud raises in the night sky, followed by a strong blast. Its' the signal for the caravan. The cloud of bright green smog raises in the sky, pulled up by the wind. Immdiately all the city comes to life, the newt notice them. 

-Under there!- Someone screams from the top of the walls. 

-Here we go...!- Jelly jumps on the catapult and they're ready to fly up. Sprig spits his tongue out and stick it at the walls. He jumps and starts climbing it, fast, he's already almost on the top of it. Both Anne and Sasha lighten up, a blue and red aura in the dark of the night. From the shore, a huge thunder comes. The caravan's army has attacked the walls. 

Screams, thuds, curses, the shrill sounds of the shot arrows, all mixed up in one, huge, defeaning caos. Anne grabs Sasha's hand and they jump. They're stronger, faster, excited: climbing the walls feels like a relaxing walk into the park. After some seconds, Anne hears a little pop from under her feet and she glances down: Jelly has activated the catapult. 

-YEEEEEE!- The little newt screams, terrified, as they're thrown up. They overpass the walls and disappear from Anne's sight. Sasha jumps on the top of the walls, looking at the three guards as she raises a fist. 

-Hey there, buddies!- She says with a laugh. Anne follows Sasha on the walls and glances down to see where Jelly landed. She sees Sprig jumping right in time to grab them before the fall. They both jump down on a close roof. Anne smiles. All is going as planned. She jumps too, the blue light around her intesifies when she stays in the air for a few seconds, before knocking down behind the three guards. 

The poor newts doesn't know who to watch, if Anne or Sasha. Anne flinches when she notices their eyes are of a bright pink, there is no pupil or irid, just pink. She snarls, furious, against Andrias. She has no time to lose, she's thinking of Marcy. What if they are in the same situation? 

Anne yells jumping against the newts. She has never fought before, never in her life, she's not a warrior. She just tried against a robot and a scared newt, in the swamp. now it's different. Now Anne knows exactly the greatness of her Power, she knows what to do. 

She kicks the first newt, it hits the border of the walls and faint out. Anne punches the second and grabs the third, raising him from the floor. The newt makes a scared groan before Anne punches him too. 

Sasha looks at her with his eyes wide opened. 

-Geez, Anne...- She says, rubbing her forehead. Anne doesn't bother to answer.

The noises of the battle intensify but the castle is still high in the sky, dark, like anybody is caring, up there. Anne frowns. She doesn't like. As she's thinking this, the noise of a huge bird flying in their direction makes her gasp: Joe Sparrow can overpass the walls without being shot. The newts are all focused on the caravan, the army out of the walls. 

-Here, Joe!- Sasha calls the bird and it lands down on the walls. Anne jumps on him and pats his head. 

-Good bird! Let's go!- She says as she grabs Sasha's hand, she helps him sitting behind her. 

-GO ANNE!!- Sprig reassured them from the roof, under the walls. Jelly raises both their thumbs up. Anne feels her eyes full of tears, she dries them off before crying. Sasha hugs tight her waists as Jack starts flying with his usual lack of tact. Anne laughs and blushes. Sasha's hands around her waists are too much even for her. 

Joe Sparrows flies higher and higher, the castle is so close, now. Anne closes her hands in fists. Wait for me, Marcy. I'm coming to save you.

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