The Blue Light

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Marcy's POV

Marcy taps on their desk with their two favourite pencils like they're holding drum sticks. They imitate the beat of the song they have in their head, it's a beautiful morning. They didn't encounter the three girls that lately have been bothering them hard, they quitted the first period because their mum couldn't drive them in time at school and now the Physic II teacher is ill, at her home, so what could go wrong?

They raise the volume of the song in their huge headphones, murmuring it through their lips. They can't hear anything but Devil Town in their ears, so they flinch for the surprise when someone puts a hand over their shoulders.

-Ehy, Mar Mar.- Anne sighs, falls on the chair near Marcy's. Marcy puts off their headphone and flashes a bright smile to Anne, before returning tapping on the desk with the pencils. Anne doesn't mind about it, she's used to Marcy's noises, she finds them too cute to be scolded for tapping everything, everywhere. 

-Good morning to you, Anna-Banana. You look like someone hit you with their truck. Full of something really, really, really heavy.- Marcy comments, raising both their eyebrows as they give a fast look at Anne's faces. She has two huge eye-bags and her expression is tired, like she's sleeping and dreaming something bad. Anne shakes her head but fails to make a smile to Marcy, she sighs. 

-Ugh. I'm not feeling good at all, you know? Maybe it's because I've slept a few hours tonight...- Marcy nods, puts their pencils on the table. 

-Let's give a look...- They say, talking in a fake-professional tone of voice. They act like a doctor, holding Anne's cheeks in their hands, squeezing her till Anne laughs, pulls herself behind. 

-Ok, ok, Mar Mar! Now I'm fine...- She comments with a smile, rubbing her back of her neck. Marcy makes her a sly smirk. 

-I know. I am the best in cheering up my bestie...- Anne pushes them softly on the arm wrapped by the comfy hoodie, she returns Marcy the smile. 

-Shut up, you silly!- Marcy's about to say something else when the door of the classroom slams against the wall for the brutality Sasha used to open it. Marcy flinches and grabs Anne's arm, holding on her as always when they feel a danger.

When they realise it's only Sasha, they sigh awkward and let go Anne. Anne smiles to them for a second, before she's dragged behind by Sasha. 

-Move, you two! My teacher decided to make us a gift and stayed at home, so move on! We're going have some fun instead of being closed here!- Sasha's loud tone of voice draws the attention of all the class, somebody glances at them mad when Anne and Marcy stand up. Anne rubs her neck where Sasha pushed her behind using the hoodie. 

-Ow, Sasha! Be less a hurricane, please. You almost killed me.- She complains. Sasha wraps with one arm Anne's, with the other Marcy's shoulders and walks determinated to the door. 

-No time to waste, girls!- She shouts another time as both Marcy and Anne are dragged out of the class, Sasha closes the door behind her with a kick. Marcy laughs and sinks their pencils into the hoodie's pocket, they smile at Anne and Sasha.

-So, where are we going Sasha?- They ask, Anne broadens her eyes in surprise, her jaw almost drops to the floor. 

-What? You agree with her? Marcy, we cannot go anywhere! We must stay in class...- Sasha walks near Marcy while Anne's talking, hugs Marcy's waists with one arm. 

-Come on, Anne. Just this time! I gave you a ride, this morning, you owe me a favour!- The blonde has a good point against the brunette, who sighs in relief, trying to think straight but she can't.

She glances fast at Anne and Marcy, biting her tongue. Marcy knows when Anne does like this, she's almost convinced. She doesn't want to admit it but she loves Sasha's crazy adventures way more than school. Marcy feels bad for Anne about this, she has always to pretend that she loves school and getting good grades because of her parents. It's not like they're abusive, no, they're two amazing people and that's because Anne wants always to be perfect. Because she wants to be like them. Marcy makes a step ahead, holds gently Anne's hand. 

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