The Situation Changes

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Yunan enters in Marcy's tent as they are staring at the map. They didn't sleep that night to memorize every centimetre of the precious map.

-Woah, human!- Yunan says as she sees Marcy's bags under their eyes. Marcy doesn't turn to her, they're still bended over the map.

-Look, if we pass on this way, we'll be able to avoid every Andrias' troops. See? There's one here and here...- They say, focused, but Yunan puts both her hands over their shoulders to calm them down.

-Human, it's time for you to rest. You're not going to help if you push yourself so much.- For a second, Marcy thinks they're listening to Anne. She'd say exactly the same things. Marcy shivers and makes a step aside to look into Yunan's eyes.

-No, I don't need to rest! I need to study. We are far from the victory, Yunan, and you know ok?- They say, turning again at the table. Yunan and Olivia showed her, the night before, a riddle. That's all they have to find the Wit Power.

Leif, the frog who stole the Powers from Andrias, left three riddles: one for the Heart, one for the Wit and the other for the Strength. Andrias found the Heart riddle and then the Power. Olivia and Yunan have the Wit riddle. The Strength riddle is still unknown and hidden somewhere.

-You're still trying to guess where the Power is, Marcy?- Olivia asks entering inside the tent. Marcy nods, runs their fingers on the map. They read another time the riddle.

Where the sun arrives first
And the ivy hides the view
Use your mind to understand
And see the green through the plants.

-That's not so easy, damnit.- Marcy complains, taps on the map.

-"Where the sun arrives first." I mean, the sun raises at the same time for everyone. But...if you're high, you see it first. Right?- Marcy reasons out loud, follows their thoughts on the map. They see the mountains.

-So, let's pretend the Temple is hidden somewhere on the mountains. The riddle talks about ivy that hides...- Marcy snorts.

-Well...- They turn behind to face the newts and all of sudden their stomach growls. They're hungry, they didn't touch food since the day before. -Is there something I can eat?- Marcy asks.

Olivia flashes her a fast smile, nods.

-Yes, Marcy. Follow me.- Marcy and Olivia exit from the tent, Marcy blinks a few times, the sun rays hurt their eyes.

-Come.- Marcy follows Olivia's voice inside the camp, the newt guides her to another tent. She enters and exits in less than a minute, holding in her hands a basket of fruits. Marcy has never seen anything like those.

They grab something that could be an apple but it's purple and soft. Marcy squeezes it with an amused smile before giving it a huge bite. It's sweet and delicate.

-THAT'S SO GOOD??- Marcy says as they have swallowed the bite. Olivia smiles another time.

-I'm happy you find it...good.- She frowns when Marcy tears off her hands the basket and starts eating all the fruits. Olivia sighs.

-You were really hungry, child.- Marcy nods, eats another one of those purple apples.

-Yef.- They talk with their mouth full of fruit. Olivia rolls her eyes.

-I'll have to teach you so many things, human child.- She says but Marcy's not listening to her. Their gaze is resting on another fruit, they frown.

-The ivy hides the view.- Marcy murmurs, thinking of the riddle.

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