Tears and Reunion

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Anne wakes up with an headache and the strong wish that all have been just a dream.

But when she spots Jelly sitting in a corner of the room, writing something in their diary, she has no more excuses, she has to deal with reality.

She seats on the bed, clenches her jaw. All the determination she had the day before has faded away.

She doesn't know for how long she slept but now it's morning. The sun rays enter inside the little room from the open window. There's a good fragrance in the air, bread and cut grass.

-Good morning Anne!!- Jelly notices she's awake and greets her, standing up from the floor. Anne smiles back at the newt.

-Good morning, Jelly.- Her stomach growls.

-Ugh, I'm starving. What about breakfast?- Anne asks and Jelly guides her out of the room, downstairs.

-We have some food for you, human! All prepared with the best dragonflies and termites in all the swamp!- Hop Pop says as soon as he sees Anne, pointing the table. Anne can't help but twist her nose, she shivers when she realises that everything on the table is actually cooked using different types of insects.

-Oh...thank you so much... you're so kind.- She's able to say, before sitting at the table. She's not looking at the food, she's not hungry anymore.

Sprig jumps on the chair near her and uses his long, yellow tongue to grab from the table something that can be a pancake, but it's grey.

-We must be prepared for our little trip, Anne! Come on, eat with us!- Sprig says to her with a huge smile, he's still munching his breakfast. Anne makes a nervous smile and takes one thing from the table just to pretend she wants to eat something.

-The LandCrusher sleeps during the day so it won't be dangerous to go where he lives. It's a cave not so far from here, inside a canyon.- Jelly explains. Anne looks at them and for a second she feels her eyes full of tears.

Jelly seats on the table and reads from his little journal, just like Marcy. And just like Marcy, they didn't touch food because they're too focuses on their notes.

Anne has to move away her gaze to not cry. She has never realised how much she misses Marcy. She feels every seconds worse for them and for Sasha too. Geez she hopes they're ok but she can't know.

-Anne, are you listening to me?- Jelly asks, shy, Anne flinches but returns violently to the reality.

-Oh...ah...yeah...yes. I'm here. I mean, I'm listening.- She mutters. A strong, red blush burns on her cheeks. Jelly walks on the table to seat in front of her.

-You're strange this morning. Maybe it's because the food is not human food?- They ask, hesitant, but Anne shakes her head.

-No, no, don't worry.- She takes a deep breath.

-I'm just so worried. Not for the monster, nor because of Andrias.- She admits. She crosses her arms on the table and leans her head over them.

-Then what is worrying you?- Sprig asks, after swallowing the last bite of the pancake. Anne sighs another time.

-It's for my friends. I hope they're ok but I can't really know. I'm scared they're hurt. And... there's this person...I miss them so much.- She finds herself wondering and thinking about Marcy, imagining their walk and their little chuckle.

Anne misses everything of Marcy. And it feels like they've been separated for months and months but it's just a few days.

-What if Andrias tries to hurt them because he lost me? And what if they got lost or something? Maybe eaten by a huge monster, maybe they are hurt!- Anne holds back a sob, the tears are pressing violently against her eyes.

-I want to see them again. And...and Sasha too. I know, I should worry the same for both. But it's different. I know that Sasha is strong, she never needed my protection.- Anne makes a sad smile.

-She could break in two half a mountain if she wants to!- She sighs, leans at the setback of the chair.

-But Marcy... they're my Mar Mar. And I don't wanna lose them.- Anne cries and the silence falls inside the kitchen.

-Anne, I think...- Sprig says but a strong yell drowns his words off.

-SOMEONE'S COMING USING THE OLD PATH!!- A shaken and terrified frog screams in panic, running around the village.

Hop Pop and Sprig exchange a worried gaze and Hop Pop walks fast out of the kitchen, opening the main door of the house.

Anne dries off her tears with the palm of her hands, nervously, she searches for an explanation looking at Jelly. Jelly stares back at her.

-The old path is a way that nobody uses anymore! It is lost in the swamp and it should be forbidden.- The newt says, anxious, they grab Anne's hand and together they walk outside.

The frogs are all panicking, there's confusion inside the village.

-Anne! Come!- Sprig calls her from a secondary road, Anne runs behind him still holding Jelly's hand.

-From here we have a good view!- Sprig explains, guiding Anne behind a house, they climb an half destroyed wall and they arrive on the roof.

-There!- Sprig points at the swamp, Anne narrows her eyes to see the path. Is a little, thin and brown line on the dark green grass.

Two figures are exiting out of the swamp on that path. Anne's heart stops beating for a few seconds. She makes a step ahead, in trance, she arrives on the board of the roof.

The tiny figure that's walking on the path is wrapped in a huge, dirty grey hoodie. Anne can see their messy dark hair.

-MARCY!!- She screams. She jumps down the roof, doesn't care about the highness.

-Anne??? Where you're going??- Sprig yells behind her but the girl has already started running against Marcy. She feels the Power flowing in her veins, makes her go faster and faster.

Marcy raises their head when Anne calls her again, and they wide open their eyes before Anne jumps against them, grabbing them in a tight hug.

a/n how are we feeling for some marcanne?? We'll see them together in the next chapter...I love them so much <3 anyways thanks for the reading so far!
School is kicking my ass so I think I'll post less often, maybe once a week
Hope you liked it ^^

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