The Trio

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Anne and Marcy were chilling in the Plantars' kitchen when it started raining, and Anne discovers that Jelly and Marcy have another trait in common: they both hate thunders.

Marcy almost jumps on their chair when another thunder breaks the dark sky. Jelly murmurs something and starts drawing on their notebook, nervous.

Anne chuckles softly and wraps one arm around Marcy's shoulders, flashing them a comforting smile. Marcy rolls their eyes, trying to pretend they're not scared.

-When the storm is gone, we'll go at the LandCrusher cave.- Jelly says, looking around worried for the dull sound of the rain against the roof.

Marcy rolls their eyes again, taps on the table. Anne can feel their disappointment, she knows perfectly that Marcy doesn't agree with that. They're worried for Anne and every time Anne thinks about it, she feels her cheeks on fire.

-Marcy...- She says with a smile to hide her sudden embarrass. Marcy snorts.

-What?- They say, curt. They're nervous because of the storm and every other problem. Anne stands up from her chair and seats on the table in front of Marcy.

-Hey Anne, Hop Pop doesn't like when we seat on the table...- Sprig says, but Anne flashes him a smile and shakes her shoulders.

-He's not here right now, Sprig. He won't know right? And I'm not doing anything wrong.- She murmurs, turning her head to Marcy.

-Are you ok, Mar Mar?- She says, going directly to the point. Marcy frowns as another thunder rumbles outside the windows.

-Well, yes. Anne, I'm fine!- Marcy snorts another time when Anne raises an eyebrow, sceptical as hell.

-You rolled your eyes and snorted all the time! Come on, Mar Mar! I know you.- Anne says, calm, Marcy's about to roll another time their eyes but stops and blushes.

-You got a good point.- They mumble, making Anne chuckles.

-It's ok to be stressed! We didn't about all this...- Anne murmurs, glancing fast at Jelly and Sprig. Marcy sighs, nods.

-You're right. But I don't feel like I want to talk about it right now. I'm thinking of Sasha, you know?- Sasha's name brings the silence with it. Anne swallows, feeling the strong grab of regret and fear holding her tummy.

She moves her gaze away, resting it out of the window, where the rain is hitting the ground and the glass, leaving drops everywhere. Anne sighs.

-Well...- She starts to talk, but a sudden thud stops her. It's not a rain noise. Everybody in the room gasp, Anne stands up all of sudden, she doesn't want to be caught by Hop Pop as she's sitting on the table.

The thud repeats, someone's hitting at the door, strong, almost violent.

-Open this fucking door, come on, I'm freezing! I need to talk with the Plantars!!- A voice yells behind the door. Anne and Marcy exchange a gaze, both with their eyes wide opened in suprise.

Anne is faster to start running and reaches the door. She opens it in the same moment as Sasha's knocking again, causing the blonde girl to fall ahead, right in Anne's arms.

Sasha hits Anne and they both slips on the floor because of the puddle of water. Anne groans, low, when she falls behind, but when she slightly opens her eyes again, she sees she has never left Sasha. They're still hugging on the floor.

The blonde shakes her head, causing drops falling everywhere in the room.

-Girl you dragged me down!- Anne says, laughing, but the tears are hitting her eyes, violently, she needs to cry. And not for the pain at the back.

Marcy kneels down near them, hugging Sasha's shoulders but something is wrong. Anne can see a sort of tension between them, in fact Marcy retires from Sasha's hug after less than a heartbeat.

Anne holds Sasha tighter, instead, the blonde stands up with her.

-I didn't drag you down, you simply opened the door when I was not ready for that!- Sasha complains with a smile. Dang, she is a complete mess. Entirely soaked, she's spilling rain to the ground. She looks like a little cat, her eyes seems every more blue.

Anne blushes a bit, separates herself from the hug. She's feeling a bit awkward because of Marcy's nervous smile. She knows them better than anyone and she could say that something is wrong. But when she tries to ask something with a silent gaze, Marcy simply shakes their shoulders.

-I searched ya for all the village, girls!!- Sasha says, scrolling her short hair. Anne closes the door behind her and takes her hand. She can't believe Sasha's again with them.

-I'm so glad you're fine, Sasha! We were so worried!!- Anne lowers her voice, realising she's almost yelling. Sasha clenches her jaw for a second, a shadow crosses her eyes for less than a heartbeat.

-Ah, you both were worried?- She asks, sharp. Anne flinches, the tension grows in the room. Marcy snorts loudly and walks away, returning to the table. Meanwhile, Jelly blinks looking at them, then at Sasha.

-Oh, fantastic, another human.- The newt comments, surprised.

-And there's another one, too.- Sasha replies with a satisfied smirk, blinking at Anne.

-What? Wait, don't tell me now. I can't effort another surprise.- The curly haired girl sighs, but a smile bends her lips. She feels the urge to hug Sasha again, and she does, wrapping her arms around her strong waist. Sasha hugs her back with a laugh, sinking her forehead into Anne's puffed up hair.

-I missed ya. Now, you have to tell me everything about your Power. Ok girl?- Sasha murmurs. Anne nods. It feels strange hugging Sasha, knowing Marcy is looking at them, probably with their lips tensed in one thin line.

-I don't wanna break your precious moment but Sasha's soaked and she's spilling water everywhere.- Marcy comments after a few seconds, as soon as they realizes Anne and Sasha weren't going to break their hug too soon.

Marcy makes a step ahead and pulled not so gently Anne behind, grabbing her shoulders. Anne lets them dragging her, holding back a sigh. So, Marcy and Sasha are pissed off on each other. Great.

Sasha rolls her eyes.

-Thank you so much, Marcy. What about an explanation, instead? I'm not cold.- She murmurs, angry, Anne decides it is time to stop any fight.

-Great idea Marcy. And great idea Sasha, too!! So, what about I go taking a hand towel and then I explain you everything?- She says with a forced smile, making a step behind. She doesn't need the permission, she decides to run to the stairs.

Jelly and Sprig follow her as fast as they can, jumping on the stairs before her.

-I'll be fast as light girls!- Anne yells before vanishing upstairs, hoping Sasha and Marcy aren't going to do anything dangerous.

a/n well,,, a bit of angst, as I've said! And it's about to going worse guys :"3
Hope y'all like it and thank you for the reads and the likes 🥺❤️

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