Red Powers

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Sasha's hand is still closed, holding tight on the red stone. Sasha screams when the roof falls over him, covers her with dirt and rocks.

It's over, she thinks. She's gonna die. And she didn't even confess to Anne. All she did was ruining his friendship with Marcy, and everything went shit because of his stupid actions. Sasha feels a strong hunt of regret, anger, sadness, all mixed in one. Sorry guys, she thinks, letting the rocks crush over her. She wonders what it'll be dying. 

After a few seconds, her chest is still moving, she's still breathing. Sasha doesn't understand. She wide opens her eyes when a bright light passes through her closed fingers, lightens up all the cave in less than a heartbeat.

Before the rocks squeeze Sasha and suffocate her, the stone burns in his hand. Sasha shivers for the pain but a new, powerful energy crosses her.

She stands up, strong against the mortal rocks. The roof falls entirely but she almost doesn't feel it. She's conscious to be shining as the sun, the destroyed cave around her reflects the red light and everything seems covered in blood.

Sasha smirks, feeling powerful like he has never been. She kicks a rock bigger than her and it breaks in two half.

Sasha laughs, so fucking happy to be alive, and stars running and kicking the cave around him to make is way outside.

She has to remove a lot of rocks around her, but the Red Power makes her strong, he's able to move through the dense cloud of dirt.

She can barely breathe, the air is not respirable anymore. Sasha takes a deep breath, her lungs fill with dirt and sand and she coughs a few times. With her last reserve of oxygen, she moves back to the room of the LandCrusher.

She can't see a thing but the nearest rocks, she removes them and makes her way outside. Where once there was the huge monster, now there are only ruins and crushed rocks. All the cave has broke down.

Sasha finally reaches the exit. She places both her palms on the wall of rocks that hides her freedom. She can see shy, pure rays of sun passing through some
cracks between the rocks.

Sasha takes a deep breath and focuses on the Strength flowing in her veins. To lighten up her adrenaline, she yells and she kicks the rocks in front of her.

With a tremble and a strong thud, the wall crashes and falls forward, raising clouds of light brown dirt. Sasha smiles and rubs her cheeks with one hand to remove the dirt. She breathes again, filling her lungs with pure air this time.

She steps outside the broken cave, turning her head behind just once. She's happy, her plan worked perfectly. The LandCrusher is dead and she can feel the Strength inside her.

A huge grin breaks up in her face, she stands still just a few seconds, looking at the swamp in front of him. She can't wait to return alive to the others.


She runs all the way back to Wartwood, slipping on the mud, leaning to the trees. She's pretty sure everybody thinks she's dead, crushed down some rocks.

Her suspects become reality when, after entering in Wartwood, a few toads turn to her and points at her with their eyes wide opened. Sasha smirks.

-HELLO EVERYONE!!- He shouts but doesn't slow down as running around the toads, directed to Anne. For a second her eyes meet Grime's, the old toad flinches.

-You're immortal, human, aren't you??- Grime shouts behind her and Sasha laughs. He finally arrives at the house where Anne is resting, panting. Sasha notices her curly haired crush, Sprig and Jelly standing out of the main entrance.

Anne is sitting on the floor, crying ugly, and Sasha feels her heart sinking a bit. Who made Anne cry? She thinks, full of anger. She runs against her.

-ANNE! I'm here!- Sasha calls her and Anne raises her head, she doesn't believe to her ears. Her eyes wide open.

-Sasha...?- She mutters, astonished, but she stands up. Sasha lets the tears on the corner of his eyes fall down on her cheek, she starts crying as she reaches Anne.

-Anne!- She repeats her name, again and again, as she hugs her tight. She holds Anne's waist, pick her up and make her spin a few times, they both laugh nonsensically.

Anne wraps both her arms around Sasha's neck and rests her head on his shoulders.

-You're alive.- She murmurs, grateful. Sasha says nothing but caresses Anne's hair, feeling lucky to be on her side.

-I even fainted for you, dude!- Anne laughs. Sasha shivers, worried, he lets go Anne's waist to cup her face.

-What? You fainted?- Anne nods.

-Yeah, like, a few moments ago.- Sasha sighs, hugs Anne's shoulders.

-You scared me.- He murmurs, her eyes are closed. Anne caresses her blonde, short hair.

-Nah, dude, I'm fine. We'll be fine. Don't worry.

a/n hope you've enjoyed this part!

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