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Since Andrias left her, Anne has thought a lot. She hates being alone in an unknown place and now she's not just alone, but also in the dark.

The darkness, being alone, the fear of something she can't see: the worst combo ever.

She thinks of Marcy and Sasha, hoping they're ok. She'd die if they'd get hurt because of her.

A voice calls her, she flinches and returns to the reality.

-Human!- It's a croaking voice. A little frog, of a bright pink, jumps near Anne's chair bringing a torch.

A green, little newt runs behind the frog, they both stop near Anne. Anne protrudes to them, the much she can since she's still chained at the chair.

-Who are you?- She whispers, tired. She's too tired for being scared. The bright pink frog makes a curtsy and smiles as he answers.

-My name's Sprig, human! And my friend here is Jelly!- The newt waves one little hand shyly, Anne greets the two cuties with a soft smile. They don't seem as evil as Andrias.

-We're here to free you, human! But...we have to ask you a favour. We free you and you do something for us, ok?- Jelly says, climbing Anne's knees to sit on her lap. The little newt is soaked but Anne doesn't care. As soon as she heard the newt's word her heart has started beating faster.

-You are here to free me? For sure? Thank you so much...!- She says, then she lowes her voice. Sprig jumps on her lap near Jelly.

-We'll do it, human! And you'll protect our town as your part of the deal.- Anne frowns. Can she truly protect an entire town by herself? She reminds of her bright, blue powers. Maybe she can, she has just to try. She nods.

-Ok, little ones! That's a deal!- Jelly and Sprig exchange an enthusiastic gaze.

-Yay!- The bright pink frog jumps again, on Anne's right arm, and with his yellow tongue he unlocks the chain. Jelly works on the left chain and after a few minutes Anne's free. She can't believe that.

She stands up, rubbing her wrist where the chain left a light red mark.

-I'm following you outta there, little ones!- She say, determined, but talking low. Nobody has to hear them.

Jelly grabs Anne's hand and guides her to a corner of the dark room. Anne cannot see a shit but she trusts the newt.

-Here!- Jelly says, shyly, they're a reserved guy. Anne smiles again as she bends where Jelly is pointing, she taps the wall. There's a panel on the wall, Anne focuses on her Power and her hands shine bright.

-Woah!- Sprig comments, enthusiastic. Jelly smiles.

Anne punches the panel, soft, it's enough to force the wall. The panel falls aside with a dull sound and an alarm starts sounding, echoing inside the room and in all the palace.

Jelly flinches, grabs tighter Anne's hand.

-Move!!- They say, nervous, Anne doesn't wait for another yell of the newt and she enters inside the tight tunnel. She has to bend and crawl inside the darkness, spider webs hit her face. She swallows and goes on, trying to not think at it. 

The last one entering the tunnel is Sprig, Jelly crawls near Anne to guide her inside that labyrinth. After a few turns, Anne doesn't know anymore where they are going. The alarm still echoes inside the tunnel and it's giving her a a headache. 

After a time that seems lasting forever, Anne notices a soft, weak light at the end of the tunnel. Jelly moves their tail, excited, crawls faster to exit from the tunnel before the others. Anne bends and then finally stands up, trying to not fall ahead. The exit of the tunnel is tiny but somehow she's able to get herself free. 

-Woah!- The alarm's still ringing but, Anne realises turning behind, they're far from the castle. The tunnel brought them near the city walls. The castle dominates all the city, is built on the top a little hill. Anne cannot rest her gaze on the houses, similar to shells, and the beautiful city view because Sprig grabs her wrist and pushes her. 

-Come on, human! They're gonna catch us!!- He yells, nervous. Anne looks around her. The citizens in the city seem pretty nervous, they run in the roads and close inside their houses. Anne flinches as she notices a bunch of newt guards running from the end of the road in their direction.

-Where we go, now??- She asks, desperate, but the little frog has a plan. He makes a sign to Jelly, waving one hand, and the newt nods. They take a whistle obtained from a shell. Anne has to plug her ears when Jelly uses the whistle, the sound is unbearable for her. And for the guards newts, too: Anne glances at her and sees they're swaying, someone falls to the ground. 

-There!- Sprig yells, excited, and Anne raises her head to look at the point in the sky that Sprig has noticed. She hasn't anymore breath to scream for the surprise when a huge bird touches down near them.

-WHAT? NO WAY I'M GOING ON THAT....!!!- Anne yells when she sees Jelly jumping over the bird's back, sitting in a tiny saddle placed between the wings. Sprig frowns, turns to her. He has already one pink foot on the bird.

-Do you really prefer being trapped again?- He asks, sarcastic, with an hand he points at the newt guards. Anne shakes her head and runs to the bird, who chirps with satisfaction. 

-Don't be scared, human, Joe Sparrow is the best bird in this word!- Jelly yells as Anne climbs the bird and seats near them. Sprig jumps over Anne's lap. 

-Go, Joe!- Jelly grabs the reins and the bird starts flying. The guards, down on the road, scream against the three of them and the bird, Anne laughs and looks down. She feels light, excited. She's flying on a gigant bird!!! She has no words to describe it. She grabs tight the saddle under her to not fall as she yells all her happiness in the light blue sky. Sprig follows her and they both start laughing and screaming. 

The guards and the city aren't visible anymore, they flew high over the clouds. Anne laughs again and leans back at the saddle. 

-Soooo...- She says, patting Jelly on their head.

-Where are we going, again?- Jelly makes her a huge, bright smile. 


a/n hi!! Jelly is my oc, they use they/then pronouns btw. I hope you enjoyed this chapter :]

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