Chapter 2

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Jennie's POV

It wasn't a long drive, we arrived at a crowded place that I first saw my entire life. I've been staying at home for how many years so I barely knew what's happening on the outside world. It was night time maybe around 8.

I saw people randomly kissing on the side, some are humping their bums on their partners while others doesn't have a shame anymore having sex. I turn away immediately not wanting to see such unholy things.

One of the guys drag me outside, though the place was filled with people we managed to walk through. As we get inside my eardrums almost break because of the loud music that they played on those large speakers, drunk girls and guys are everywhere dancing to the beat. Are they going to make me a stripper?

"Hurry!" he yelled at me but I can barely hear.

I push people aside just to make enough space for me to walk through, we stop on a black door. He pressed something on the mini screen beside the doorframe. Few moments later the door opened on its own like magic, he push me inside and before I knew it I was on the floor.

"Who is she?!?" a mad voice sprung.

I look up only to see a middle age man wearing a tuxedo, some of his buttons was undone. Beside him was two girls running their hands on his body. It was disgusting. My heart race a million times inside my chest waiting for whatever bad luck would happen next to me.

"Ji-yong didn't paid. So we get her as a colateral"

"What the fuck would I do to an ugly girl like her? You're all stupid!" he shouted that made me jolt in my place.

"S-Sorry boss"

"Tsk. It's done! Make this girl a slave. Teach her the things that should be done" he sternly said.

I look at him one more time before they drag me, I didn't know how many hallways we walk through. Then we managed to get into a house that's connected to where we came from.

"From now on, you'll work so you can eat. Nothing's free here" the guy started "I'm Kim Jong-in but call me Kai"

I didn't respond that made him mad, he slap me as he yank my arm.

"Answer me if I'm talking to you!"

"Y-Yes sir"

I didn't know why I address him like that but my scared ass couldn't think straight.

"Good. Now listen carefully you brat. This day onwards you will be a slave, Mr. Mino will be your master. Understood?"

"Y-Yes s-sir"

"First thing in the morning, you will wake up at 4 along with the other servants and clean up everything. Every mistake you make will have a corresponding punishment. By mentioning that, it wasn't a simple punishment. You don't have the right to talk back or oppose whatever he said to you, you can't also say no when he ask something from you. To wrap it all, YOU'RE HIS PROPERTY. Just be a good girl and everything is settled. If you ever try to escape, say hi to the ground six feet under" he smirk.

He motion one of the girls who's standing on the corner, I notice them now. Maybe they're around on their 20s or more.

"Teach this girl. She's now one of you"

"Yes sir"

The girl smiled a little at me, my hands are shaking because of nervousness. I'm okay living with my stepfather rather than staying to this unknown place. She started walking so I followed her behind, Kai left us shortly after telling her to guide me.

"You're an unlucky young girl. I hope the boss won't get interested on you"

I was puzzled on what she said.


"Just stay away from his prying eyes, don't let yourself get his attention. You're too young to experience hell"

She was so complicated to understand.

"I'm Nancy by the way"

"I-I'm Jennie"

"How did you end up here? You a stripper?"

I shake my head "My stepfather let me go with those bad guys as a payment"

"How old are you?"


She look at me with pity "I'll show you around tomorrow and tell you important things for you to note. Life here is not easy. Be careful"

On what she said, the scary feeling in my chest tripled. What have I gotten into? Nancy brought me to a very large room, maybe it's the maids quarters that soon I'll stay on. There are other girls in the room as well, their eyes dart towards me as I enter. Nancy motion me to sit on an empty bed.

"This will be your bed from now on" she stated.

We both sat.

"Our boss is a mafia. He was a ruthless person. I'm giving you a warning Jennie. Don't ever make a mistake, not even once. I'm trying to save you from his wrath, he's a demon"

"W-What do y-you mean by that?"

She point a girl not far from us, she was beaten badly. Face almost unrecognized.

"You'll end like her"

Curiosity kills me when I face her.

"H-How long have you been here? W-Why are you here??"

I saw a flash of sadness through her eyes, Nancy is pretty based on how she looks.

"I've been here for a year already" she sigh "I'm a sex slave sold to many people until I end up here. I didn't have a choice but to stay. I won't make a living if I move out"

I feel sorry of what I heard "Sorry"

"You don't have to"

I was about to speak up when we heard a loud bell ringing.

"W-What's that?"

"Time to sleep. Lets talk again tomorrow"

I nod at her, I watch her walk away and lay down on the bed not far from me. The door made a clicking sound then keys jingling, I think they lock us inside. I lay on the bed without showering at all and think of what happened throughout the day, my eyes droop and was consumed by tiredness.

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