Chapter 14 (She crossed the line)

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Haven't been able to re-check. Remember I am not perfect so don't blame me for grammatical mistakes.


Chapter 14 (She crossed the line)

I could hear the tick of her high heels on the wooden floor.

"I wanted to be friends Sofia." She said with sarcasm, the rage behind her voice.

She is angry and she is coming for blood.

I couldn't let her notice my fear but my legs were shaking, my hands were also. My sight was blurry. I saw only figures.

She stopped moving and giggled devilishly, "Can you see my dear Sofia?" her footsteps got closer to me "Here take your glasses."

She hold both of my hands and extended them. She placed two pieces of something which I couldn't recognize. One on the right hand, the other on the left.

"W-what is this?" The crack on my voice made her notice I was afraid of her.

"Those are you glasses Sofia. Go ahead put them on."

"You broke them!" I said with tears coming out.

Vanessa just crossed the line. This glasses are my life. I remember when I first got them, I was twelve years old when my dad took me to take a sight test. Doctor told my dad I needed glasses. I was angry at him because I didn't want glasses. My dad placed them for me. Everything was so much better, the headache suddenly stopped. The smile of my dad was priceless, I would give all the money in the world to see his smile again. I remember him saying 'I love you Sofia' and gave me a on my forehead.  Leaving my mother with me in the doctor. He left to work and an hour later we got a phone call. The worst phone call in my life. My dad had a car accident.

It was on speaker phone, my mother let the phone drop, and I've never seen her cry like that before.  I didn't understand what was happening. My ears didn't believe what I heard. All was a lie for me. It had to be a joke. I wasn't a joke.

My little brother was too young to remember, or cry for his daddy. I remember staring at him on his funeral, telling him 'Please wake up dad! You promised me you'll always be there for me.' And what hurts the must is that, he told me that he loved me. I never got to say it back. He passed away and I was mad at him.

I blamed myself for years because of his death, the guilt overwhelmed me. Maybe if I didn't let him go, I should have told him not to go to work. He was my daddy, we used to go every Sunday for ice cream. He used to try his best to always make me laugh.

"Do not mess with me Sofia," Vanessa warned me "or I'll do something worst next time."

She pushed me walking me bounce on the wall and falling on the floor.

"Goodnight Sofia." She left laughing.

Does she even know what this glasses meant to me? She needs to pay for this. She will pay.

The last memories of my dad are crushed. My heart just shattered. I feel real pain on my chest like the day of his funeral came to me all over again.

I couldn't control the tears that were running down. I laid my head on my knees, letting the tears come out. Tonight seems like a hell of a night. Why me?

"Sofia honey. You're going to be late for school." Lora asked me politely knocking on the door.

My eyes were swollen of crying the whole night I haven't been able to sleep. "I think I am going to skip school today, I don't feel good."

"Are you okay? Why didn't you sleep in Vanessa's room?" She asked worried.

"Oh I have a flu, I didn't want to get her sick?" I lied.

"Can I give you some medicine?"

"No thanks. I'll be okay." I gave her a smile.

"Well you look at that, Matty is also sick today and will stay home. I have to leave the house now, but if you need me just give me a call. Vanessa left to school already, see you honey."

Mathew is sick also? I wonder what happen to him. Well actually I am not sick, I just really want to stay here laying down. I hate Vanessa. Thank god she already left to school.

I had the case of eye contact on the night table and put them on to check my phone.

I unlocked my phone. I had messages from Joe, Grace, Alfred and my mom.

Joe: I had fun tonight. I hope we can do it again. You looked so beautiful. See you tomorrow at school.


Alfred: Can you send me pictures of your math homework? I don't feel like doing it.

Mom: Hey sweaty! Everything is going great. Remember to check on your brother. I love you, have a nice day.

I did not bother to reply none of the text. I wasn't in a mood. I just want to take a nap.

I closed my eyes for at least ten minutes and when I was about to fall to sleep there was a knock on the door.

"Wake up sleeping beauty. It is a beautiful day."

"Leave me alone Mathew." I warned him covering my face with the blue blanket. "I thought you were sick."

"I am not."

"Then-," I stopped my sentence "Just leave me alone."

"I won't leave you alone."

I groaned inside the blanket. Why won't he just leave me alone? It is his fault. If I wouldn't have told him Vanessa wouldn't crush my glasses.

"Come on Sofia, I know you're not sick."

"Y-yes I am." Why is he doing this to me?

"No you are not. I heard you crying the whole night after that fight you had with Vanessa."

I just stood quiet.

"So yes. I know you're not sick. My room is next to the guess room remember?"

Why didn't he stopped Vanessa? Is he going to bully me also? This is just great.

"Leave me alone Mathew!"

"Nope." He pulled the blanket that was covering my face.

He was shirtless like always, using sweat pants. His hair was messy, and his blue eyes were looking at me with concern.

I was furious. "Why did you do that?"

He was smiling at me, "I'll be waiting downstairs. I made breakfast."

I rolled my eyes annoyed, "I don't want your breakfast, now can you please leave me alone."

He turned around and stopped in the door, "I have to tell you I make the best hot chocolate ever, and I also made cookies."

Damn cookies and hot chocolate, my weakness.

"So I'll see you downstairs."

{AuthorsNote: Heyy! Told you I will update soon! Thank you all for reading once again. You guys are the best you votes, and comments make me smile.

So who hates Vanessa? Even I hate her now!

And what is Mathew up too? Making breakfast hmmm.. Even I am curious to know what is going to happen.

I will be updating soon! Love you all



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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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