After Party Bliss

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God, the wedding was perfect. I didn't really eat today and I know Maya won't be happy but in all fairness I knew that our Mexican food was waiting for us. Maya insisted on having a seating plan. On one table we had Teddy, Jack, Bailey, and Travis. It's an unusual bunch but somehow works. On the next table was Vic, Andy, Mer, and Dean; Mer probably feels really out of place. The next table we had Ben, Amelia, Kai. Which then left Arizona, Callie, Mason, Ava, and Andrea. Our table had our parents on! I think the tables were a bit of a mismatch of people but Maya insisted that they'd have to get on with each other for this day and that no one could swap, okay then....

With everyone in high spirits, I found myself sitting back while watching Maya enjoying a conversation with my dad.

"God, I never thought Maya would get married and look so free. You know with her dad, I never expected her to experience true happiness. I know I've played no part in her happiness throughout the majority of her life but as her mom I am overjoyed by seeing how she is with you" Maya's mom says taking me out of her trance.

"Thank you so much. I know that your relationship with Maya has always been quite complicated but I'm so happy you're here to support her. With Maya and I talking about starting our family, we've really been looking at who we want to be around our children. Both Maya and I would love for you to be a grandmother, but I also know how protective Maya is, I think if you ever got together with her dad again, you wouldn't be able to be around them. I really hope that things work out, I want our children to have two grandmothers." I say back making her smile before standing up and heading to the bar.

Music started playing which caused everyone to stand up and dance together on the dance floor. I was approached by Teddy and Bailey who wanted some updates on the baby process, they were both pretty disappointed to find out that nothing has really happened. It's nice that they're both so supportive. I turned to see Kai and Amelia standing next to Amelia while talking. Maya makes eye contact with me and winks at me and pushes her way through the two and head my way. Once she reaches me she grabs my waist and pulls me to the dance floor where 'Take Care of my Baby – Bobby Vee' starts to play. We dance together, simply forgetting about the world around us.


I know I joke about wanting to fuck Maya and Carina, and honestly I'm actually pretty serious about it. But right now, I see love. The definition of love, of course there's different definitions of love but they fit them all. I knew they'd get to this place; I'm still looking for that love and I think I've found it in Kai.

I look towards the happy couple and find the holding each other while swaying together whispering sweet nothings to each other. The biggest smile is plastered on their faces, they're in their own world and it's beautiful to see.

"You know, we could be just like them?" Kai says which breaks me out of my trance. I turn to them and find them holding a ring out towards me. "Amelia will you marry me?" I-uh no did they just read my brain; I mean I was just thinking about it right? Fucking weird.

"Amelia?" Kai asks. "Fuck yeah, yes dumbass" I squeal causing everyone to look at us, confused at first until they clock the ring being put on my finger. We're engaged, they're forever stuck with me!

"Wait, we've completely taken over their celebration! You idiot" I say while slapping Kai's arm. "Wait, Amelia please stop! I asked them if it was okay" Kai hurries in an effort to stop me which works.

"Oh.. well, okay. Right people, we are leaving because they're gonna get it... I mean this ring has some rocks to it!" I shout causing a few people to chuckle. Grabbing their arm, we escape into the night.


It's the end of the night, and everyone has decided to go home, including us. I had one final thing I wanted to do before we ended the night. Although I used to preach that monogamy was for the weak, I have always had a wedding song in mind. And in this case I wanted to have one final dance with her and to the song 'Angel flying to close to the ground – Willie Nelson'. It was country enough but in my eyes very romantic. As soon as we entered the house, we had the heels off, pyjamas on, and my phone connected to the speakers. As the song began, I started to sing the songs to Carina while spinning her around the kitchen. God, the smile she had, nothing will beat that. I wanted a moment for just us to remember and I think I've achieved that. 

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