Betty x Sweet Pea

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let's get into it!

Betty POV:

"Hey babe, do you think your parents would like to come over for dinner tonight?" I asked my husband as he sat in the corner of the nursery, rocking baby Jamie in his arms.

"Are you sure you're up to seeing people?" He whispered as he looked up to me.

"Yeah, I really want to start getting back to normal. Not seeing people is driving me a little insane" I said and he gave me a small smile as he nodded his head.

"I want you to take it easy though, okay? Your job will be to sit and talk" he said making me grin.

"But yeah, they'll be over the moon to come see us and Jamie. I am warning you though, my mother will cry the entire time she's here" he said and I chuckled.

"Why?" I laughed.

"Here's a play by play of what's going to happen. She's going to walk through the door and instantly burst into tears at the sight of us. Then once she's calmed down she's going to start crying again because she's going to feel so privileged to be able to see you and the baby since they knew our rule about not wanting any visitors for the first two weeks. Then, she's going to see the baby and lord help us all. She would be able to fix up any country in a drought right now" he said making me burst into laughter which I had to quickly cover my hand over my mouth, not wanting to wake up Jamie.

"I want her to know how thankful I am, to both your mum and dad really. They've literally done absolutely everything and more they can for us. More than my mum did" I said and he gave a soft smile.

"My parents completely adore you my love. I'm sorry your mum hasn't done anything, but I promise my parents have so much love to give you" he said as tears welled in my eyes.

He gently placed Jamie into his crib and then took a seat besides me on the floor. He gently wrapped me into his side as he kissed the top of my head.

"I'm so proud of you mumma" he whispered into my hair.

"I'm so lucky to have you, your family, our family, everything" I whispered.

"We're lucky people Betty Connor" he said with a smirk rolling off his tongue.

He takes every opportunity he can to say my name and his last name I took when we got married. He's so proud of it and it makes my heart melt each and every single time.

"Come on, let's let bug sleep and I'll text my parents" he whispered as he stood up and pulled me with him.

We both took a seat in the lounge and as he texted his parents, an easily and effortless smile formed on my face as it has ever since I entered Sweet Pea's life.

I grew up in a bad family environment. My mum in away tried, but I always felt unloved. I never knew just how bad I had it until I was greeted by such loving parents like Sweet Pea's.

But now here I stood, a crying Gladys hugging me so happily as I greeted her at the door.

"You have no idea how grateful, honoured and blessed we feel to be able to see you both and the baby" she said as with so much happiness in her voice.

"Of course we both wanted you here, you've done everything and we seriously couldn't appreciate it anymore" I said as I looked into her eyes and she smiled with a soft expression.

"We'd do it ten times over in a heartbeat" she smiled.

Once all the pleasantries were over, Sweet Pea instructed us all to sit and he got Jamie.

As soon as Sweet Pea walked into the room with him, the most beautiful smiles forms on his parents faces.

Fp was the first to hold him and he was completely in love and obsessed with our son, not taking his eyes off of him for a moment.

"He's so tiny and perfect" Fp whispered as Jamie wrapped his little finger around his.

"Yeah, he is" Sweet Pea smiled as he took a seat on the armchair besides me.

He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine as we watched his parents enjoy every single second in the presences of our son.

"He has your hair Betty" Gladys smiled at me.

"Hopefully not Sweet Pea's personality" Fp smirked making ma laugh.

"Dad" Sweet Pea complained making us all laugh.

After two hours or so of Gladys and Fp completely falling in love with Jamie, Fp looked to Sweet Pea and I.

"You two look so exhausted. Go get some sleep, we can look after him" Fp said.

"We can't ask you to do that" I said.

"Honey we're not asking, we're telling. Go" Gladys said and I looked up to Sweet Pea.

"Are you sure?" Sweet Pea asked them.

"Go away, leave us and our grandson" Fp said making me and Sweet Pea laugh.

"Fine, but only an hour" Sweet Pea said and I nodded my head.

I took Sweet Pea's hand and lead him to our room. We both fell into bed as he cuddled me to his chest.

"This is the first time we've cuddled in three weeks" he mumbled and I smiled as much as I could must.

"Hold me tighter" I whispered before I fell asleep.


I woke up and rolled over to look at my fast asleep sweet husband. He looked so peaceful, so handsome and relaxed.

I looked to the clock besides his bed and saw that it was just past four in the morning, meaning we'd been asleep for over 8 hours.

I carefully weaved my way out Sweet Pea's arms and rushed my way into the lounge.

Relief filled my chest when I saw Fp awake with Jamie, carefully rocking him in his arms.

"I'm so sorry we over sleep" I apologised to Fp as Gladys had already fallen asleep on the armchair.

"I wish you slept longer" he said making me smile as I took a seat next to him.

"What happened to you old man? I remember when I was scared of you" I said making him grin.

"You should still be" he said making me grin.

"What? You're going to come over to my house and babysit my child? Or are you going to bring over dinner to take some of the stress off Sweet Pea and I. Or even worse. Are you going to constantly check in on me?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't like you" he said and I smiled.

"I love you a lot" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder and looked to my sleeping boy in his arms.

"I love you too" he said.

"Sweetheart" I mumbled just as Sweet Pea walked in.

"How long have you been up?" Sweet Pea asked me as he took a seat besides me.

"Only a few minutes" I said and he nodded his head.

"Fp, go to bed" I said and surprisingly, he didn't put up a fight.

He gently woke up Gladys and they both headed into the spare room.

"Your parents are too good to us" I said as Sweet Pea and I cuddled on the couch and looked to Jamie now laying on his play mat.

"Don't give them all the credit. When I was ten I really wanted a gun and they refused" he said and I chuckled as I shook my head.

"Idiot, you would have killed yourself. I'm glad they didn't" I said as I kissed his hand.

"Okay, maybe they're perfect" he said.

so fucking cute omg

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