Betty x Sweet Pea

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Hiya besties. Hope you're having a great day <3

Betty POV:

I had gotten the long awaited text I've been staring at my phone for all night. Of course the content of the text was not what I wanted to see, but it's better that I know now.

"Hey, you wanna come out with me?" I asked my best friend, Sweet Pea.

We had been chilling in my room for the past few hours, watching tv and chatting about the Serpents and what not.

"Where?" He asked as he turned to face me.

"Some place on the North Side" I said as I looked to my phone.

Being a Serpent and having access to some incredibly smart people really does have its perks. I asked a friend to track Veronica's phone. She said she was working a double shift at her speakeasy since Reggie had to cancel last minute. The problem is, nearly every night, there is always some reason for her not to spend it with me. And I'm not going to let her use me.

"Why on earth would we go to the North Side?" He asked with an almost disgusted look.

"Sweets aren't you bored of only going to South Side places? Let's explore the North" I smiled as I stood up.

"Um no? Betts I'm happy you're in the worst possible relationship of your life with a North Sider, but as your friend I will not let you embrace something that really, we have no place being in" he said and I took in a deep breath, frustrated that he wasn't just saying yes.

"I think she's cheating on me and I need you to be there with me if I'm right" I rushed out as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Betty, I am so sorry" he said as he immediately stood and wrapped me up into a hug.

"What if she's actually cheating on me?" I asked as I looked up to him.

"Let's not jump to any conclusions Betts, and I'm sure she's probably not. She's not exactly the hottest" he said making me sadly chuckle.

"Come on, we have myths to bust" he smiled as he unwrapped his arms from around me.

"Thank you Sweet Pea" I said as we walked out of my room and downstairs.

"Nothing to thank me for Cooper" he smiled as we walked past my dad.

"Where are you two going?" My dad asked as he looked to his watch.

"A party" Sweet Pea answered.

"It's a Tuesday night" my dad said as he raised an eyebrow.

"It's a Friday night somewhere" Sweet Pea smirked and I let out a sigh.

"Oh I love you Pod" I said as I looked to him.

"Please don't come home too late" he said and I nodded my head.

"I promise we'll be home soon" I said and he gave me an unconvinced look.

I took Sweet Pea's arm and pulled him out the door.

"Thanks for covering" I said as we walked out to his car.

"I always like lying to your dad. It's really fun" he said making me laugh.

We got into my car and despite what Sweet Pea wanted, I was the one driving. He complains I'm a bad driver, I think he's just trying to annoy me because I am not bad at all.

It was about a twenty minute drive until we arrived at some sort of casual bar type of situation. It looked really nice and modern, the exact type of place Veronica would be.

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