Betty x Sweet Pea

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I <333 you

Sweet Pea POV:

"You got some hot date tonight?" I asked her as I followed her out of the police station.

"Boat party" she answered dryly as she walked ahead of me.

"Thanks for getting me out" I said.

I've gotten into one too many fights and unfortunately landed myself up in a cell. I'd go to my dad but he'd throw a fit if he found out. So the only other person I could turn to was my ex girlfriend.

"I was feeling charitable" she answered me.

"Can you even look at me?" I asked her.

I've been with her for about five minutes now and she hasn't once looked at me in the eyes. It's like she's repulsed to even be around me.

"I don't have time for my ex's" she said as she walked up to her car.

I jogged up to her and held onto her arm, forcing her to face me.

"Betty I still care about you" I said as I looked down into her innocent eyes.

"No you don't Sweet Pea, you've never cared about me" she said angrily.

"Betts, how can you say that? You act like you weren't the best thing to ever happen to me" I frowned at her.

"Yeah I was so good that the moment you saw me getting too close to bad people you dumped me like I meant less than shit to you" she spoke with pure anger and hurt in her voice.

"I'm not going to see you get hurt by the people who I know will" I told her and she laughed angrily.

"What makes you think I've stopped working for them?" She asked and my face dropped even further.

"Betty you need to stop this now, you can't work for my dad or for his people" I said frustratedly.

If everything backfires, it really fucks everyone involved. And I'll be damned if anything falls back on her shoulders.

"I don't need my bosses kid telling me what I can and can't do" she said angrily.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you putting yourself in danger? You're a fucking North Sider why don't you act like it?" I yelled at her.

"Because being fucking nice has gotten me no where. Now it's my fucking time to take control. I do a job for your dad or whoever the fuck I want, and I get what I want in return" she said and I shook my head.

"And what does a Princess need?" I asked her sternly.

"What the fuck else would I need Sweet Pea? I need money" she said as she sent daggers at me with her eyes.

"What? Didn't mummy and daddy set up a college fund for you?" I laughed at her and she shook her head.

"My mum fucked off into a cult and took everything I had been saving up since I was fucking ten. My dad is in prison and every fucking cent in his name was taken away. What do you think I'm supposed to do Sweet Pea? This is the easy option. This gives me back control over my life" she said with so much hurt in her voice.

I didn't know that her mother took her money or that the cops took all of her dads money, although I should have guessed.

"Why didn't you tell me you needed money? I would have given it to you in a heartbeat" I said.

I would have done anything to keep her safe. I'll still do anything to keep her safe.

"You're my boyfriend of a year Sweet Pea, not my husband" she said.

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