Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

As soon as I heard my dad say that the meeting was done, I walked out of the room and headed straight for the door.

I walked out of the Wyrm and bursted into tears as I went around the back so no one would be able to see me.

I was just degraded and humiliated in front of all the higher up Serpents. And even worse, it was done by my best friend, Sweet Pea.

Tonight started off pretty normal, my dad and Fp were working while Sweet Pea and I were just hanging out at the Wyrm. Then out of no where, the Ghoulies ambushed us.

It turned into a gun war so each of us paired up into groups. The Serpents were luckily able to protect majority of ourselves even though we had no notice of the attack.

The night really went to shit when out of the corner of my eyes I saw someone pointing a gun at Sweet Pea, who didn't have his gun.

So, I left my partner to go and deal with it. The point of a partner is to know that you're protecting you, that they're going to keep you safe. I left my partner because I needed to make sure Sweet Pea wasn't going to get shot. He didn't have his partner and if I didn't leave mine, Sweet Pea would have had more guns pointed at him. And one of those guns would have killed him.

I protected my friend, and in return he treated me so unbelievably horrible.

'Are you fucking stupid Betty? Do you know how dumb you have to be to do what you just did?" Was the start of what Sweet Pea told me.

It felt like an hours worth of being yelled at by Sweet Pea. He didn't relent, he just kept yelling and yelling at me in front of everyone. There was probably around nine other men in the room who all sat quietly as they let Sweet Pea yell at me like I was some dumb, blonde and incompetent bitch. I fully expected seven of them to keep their mouths shut because they're sexist pigs, but my dad and Fp said not a single word either.

"Hey, what's happened?" I heard the sound of Toni's voice as she approached me.

I just bursted into more tears as she wrapped me up into her eyes.

"He's a fucking bastard" I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Who?" She asked softly as she rubbed my back.

"Sweet Pea, he made me look stupid in front of everyone" I said as I continued to cry.

I have never been hurt this badly, and especially not from Sweet Pea. He is the one person who I would undoubtedly trust to always have my back. Sweet Pea is supposed to be so much more than what he was tonight. I've lost a lot of the respect I've always had for him tonight.

"Ignore him" she said as she looked into my eyes.

"How? He yelled at me, made me look stupid in front of guys who already hate me for my fucking gender. He deliberately made me look incompetent when all I fucking did was make sure he didn't get himself killed" I said as I wiped my eyes on my stupid Serpents jacket.

"I hate this fucking gang" I said angrily as I took off my jacket and throw it onto the dirt beneath me.

"You don't hate the gang, you're just having a bad day" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"I fucking hate all of them" I said and she nodded her head.

"Look, stay at mine tonight and cool down" she said.

I said nothing for a moment but I nodded my head. There was no way I could look at either my dad, Fp or Sweet Pea tonight, let alone any time soon. I feel so embarrassed.

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