Betty x Sweet Pea

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not a clue what I just wrote

Betty POV:

Things between Jughead and I were getting hot as he reached for the hem of my shirt and pressed opened mouthed kisses to my lips.

"Jughead" I said as I gently pulled away from the kiss.

"Do you have a condom?" I asked.

We were currently at his house and his parents weren't home. We had been watching a movie and playfully touching each other until it lead up to now.

"Babe you're on the pill, we don't need one" he said as he went back to kissing me.

"Yeah I'm on the pill but it's not 100% effective and I'd just really feel a lot more comfortable if you wore one" I said and he let out a sigh.

"Don't be so paranoid" he said as again, he tried to kiss me but I moved away from him.

"I may be paranoid but I'm trying not to get pregnant, you know, not a seventeen year olds dream" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"You're on the pill and it feels better for the both of us if I don't wear one" he said and I shook my head.

"I would feel too anxious the whole time if you didn't" I said and he let out a huff as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Betty please don't create a problem out of nothing. You're fine and you're not going to get pregnant. So let's just fuck, no condom" he said and that's when I decided I had had enough.

I explained to him why I wanted him to use a condom but he is flat out ignoring me.

"Yeah, we're not having sex and we're over" I said as I got off of his bed and began picking up my stuff.

"You've got to be kidding Betty. Don't you think you're being dramatic?" He asked me.

"No, I set my boundaries with you and you completely ignored them. And you know what? Sex with you sucks. I've never had an orgasm so I don't know why I'm even arguing with you right now. I could go home, watch some porn and give myself a better orgasm than you ever could. So Jughead, fuck you" I said as I slipped my shoes on and headed straight to my car.

He began yelling stuff at me but I ignored it as I got into my car and drove straight off. I'm not going to let a man tell me he's not going to use a condom. Who does he think he is?

When I first started dating I made a promise to myself: I was never going to stay in a relationship that didn't make me happy and I was never going to let a man control me. Somehow, he was managing to tick both of those boxes. If I say something as simple as wear a condom, it's going to happen or we're not going to stay together. There is no other alternative.

I drove down to Pops and took a seat at the back so I could gather my thoughts and calm down a little.

I was just really frustrated that a guy who says he cares about me couldn't do something so simple. What also annoyed me was that this would be our second time having sex but the first time we did it, he put on a condom not questions asked. So to me it seems like he was trying to lure me in. Basically saying we can use it once, but never again and he'd just expect me to go along with it. The audacity he had was disgusting and clearly he's not a good person. I don't need him and that's why I ended things with him. If he can't do something that would make me feel comfortable, how would I be able to trust him to look after me in a relationship?

It's moments like this where I'm really appreciative that I decided to lose my virginity to someone I knew would never hurt me or use it against me.

I know virginity is basically just a concept, but I wanted my first time to be with someone I trusted and felt comfortable with. Having sex for the first time is scary so I went with a person who I knew I didn't need to act differently around. That person was my best friend, Sweet Pea.

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