Chapter 72 - Top Floor of Penia

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???: This is where the show begins, son and daughter.

???: This is where the show begins, son and daughter

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Chapter 72 - Top Floor of Penia

Mashiro: [Hiding behind Shuichi] H-Huh?!

Shuichi: Sargnia is being taken over...?

CarlosYT: H-How did the commander know of my nickname years ago?

Unrecorded CarlosYT: It seems that we've made it to a point of no return.

Premaya: Let's storm the Elite First Corps Commander's ship!

Dewey: (Damn, still childish at a time like this? How much of a nuisance will she be?)

Retrospecter: The commander's ship is nearing us. Get ready.

A pillar of light emerges from the bottom of the ship and onto the ground.

Neon: Let's go.

Everyone else nods and goes into the pillar of light to head up into the ship.

Location: Penia, The Elite First Corps Commander's Warship - Entrance

A magic circle appears from the ground and the Star Dreamers appear.

AprilYT: What's this place?

A robot then looks at the Star Dreamers.

Robot 1: Intruders detected. Preparing extermination program.

Len: We just came here and now he wants to kill us?

Another robot shows up and stops the first robot.

Robot 2: Killing them will make you look like a fool. That group of people are actually what the commander wants to meet.

The second robot looks at the Star Dreamers.

Robot 2: Follow me.

The second robot starts moving to its destinated location.

CarlosYT: Let's go.

Upon reaching the destination.

Robot 2: Sorry. This is as far as my scripted path can go.

Len: That's it? Not further?

Mashiro: [looks at the door] It's giving an ominous aura...

Volk: Who knows what lies there.

Girlfriend: We'll figure this out.

CarlosYT: Let's enter then.

The Star Dreamers enter the hall.

The Star Dreamers enter the hall

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