Chapter 7 - ProtoZ

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Original Release: June 25, 2022

Chapter 6 Recap: According to CarlosYT's phone, the Star Dreamers head towards a marketplace of sorts. However, Heidi finds one of her outfits in a stall and the Star Dreamers find a group of cookies in the marketplace. CarlosYT asks who the cookies were and then a whole "introduction party" happened. After the Star Dreamers won, they started to continue heading for Yurigawa. Hours later, they are interrupted with another cookie who likes rice cakes. CarlosYT wins against the cookie again and start heading for Yurigawa. The journey continues...

 The journey continues

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Chapter 7 — ProtoZ

Location: Sargnia - Yurigawa Academy


Len: Finally...

CarlosYT: We finally made it...

Shuichi: Without sleep...

AprilYT: But we finally made it to our goal!

Mistrare: Want me to pour water on you all?

Renri: We've got a couple of buckets.

CarlosYT: Nah, I think Yurigawa has coffee in there.

Boyfriend: First time in "Yurigawa" Academy.

A figure appears out of the rooftop of the academy.

CarlosYT: Kaito, you're back.

Heidi: I believe he was on another mission to steal an item...

Kaito: Yes, and worked out successfully. Plus I heard y'all have a final performance in here-

???: CarlosYT! Where are you—

???: Found you!

CarlosYT: Huh?! Oh wait, 92. It's been a long time since we last met.

CarlosYT: (This person here is more of a protogen named Subject 92. She's interested in idols and likes the following items: Crepes, Macarons, Idol figures, Idol games, and such.)

CarlosYT: (You might be wondering how they eat, well, the answer to that is that it's basically Pokémon X&Y's Pokémon Amie...)

92: Follow me!

Boyfriend: Uhh... Alright...?

Heidi: It's been a long time since we last stepped on Yurigawa.

Len: Exactly. It's been like 2 years.

Boyfriend: Wow, that's a long time.

Shuichi: Why are there posters?

AprilYT: The posters are upcoming DJ Lives, and it's a very huge thing in here if you weren't living under a rock.

Akaira: Hey CarlosYT!

CarlosYT: Hey Akaira, it's been a long time as well.

CarlosYT: This is my friend Akaira Shinakura. She was also invited to here, but to spectate the match between my DJ Unit and a different DJ Unit.

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