Chapter 31 - D4 FES?! Started New World?!

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Original release: 10/15/2022

Chapter 30 Recap: The Star Dreamers and Orthros end up in the 1st Anniversary stage without the crowd and are met with GBP and D4DJ Vocalists. They all want to speak with the Star Dreamers about stuff and messing around with Saki's color trait. After all that mess, the vocalists but Mashiro leave and an arcade machine to Neon's world appears. They all jump into the arcade machine...

Chapter 31 - D4FES?! Started New World?!

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Chapter 31 - D4FES?! Started New World?!

Location - Central District

CarlosYT: Huh, seems like a year has passed and nothing is going on...

Milsha: You know this place?

Mistrare: This is where we met the Star Dreamers when it was at medium-ish size.

CarlosYT: But I saw you earlier at the end of Miku's concert...!

CarlosYT: Wait no, it was at the end of CG5's recording studio

CarlosYT: Like literally, it went something like this:


Mistrare: *Singing Stifling Song in Japanese*

CarlosYT: Huh, is that—

Mistrare suddenly vanishes into thin air as if she was an illusion that everyone can deceived by.

CarlosYT: Odd... she had some wings on her, who can that be?

End of Flashback

CarlosYT: Anyways-

Michiru: Huh?! Why are there people in the bridge?

Mashiro: A-Are these people also kidnapped here?

AprilYT: Actually, no... I see flying speakers.

Volk: Weird.

Boyfriend: It's probably a festival!

CarlosYT: Yeah, let's check then.

The Star Dreamers head to the crowd of people.

The Star Dreamers head to the crowd of people

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