Like Marinette

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Marinette rushed up the steps of her apartment and skidded to a stop at the door. "Look composed Marinette. Caaallllmmmm" 

She casually opened the door and strolled into the house. "I'm home! But thoroughly exhausted! I'm heading to bed!"

"Marinette wait!" Sabine hurried towards her. "Where is Chat?" "He dropped me off outside. But he had to go somewhere so I said he didn't have to walk me to the door."

"I can imagine. I saw you on the broadcast. Chat didn't look pleased." "He's worried that's all." Marinette forced a yawn and stretched. "Well, I'm SUPER exhausted so I'm heading to bed."

"Ok sweetheart sleep well." "Thanks, mom." Marinette turned on her heel and calmly walked up the stairs. Once her trap door was shut she quickly stripped out of her dress and put on pajamas. Tikki flew up to her face. "What are you doing?"

She shot Luka a text saying she was home and fine. Then answered Tikki's question.

"I don't particularly want to change when I get home. I'm planning ahead."

"Smart as usual Marinette!" Marinette gave Tikki a small smile and then spoke the words she honestly missed. "Tikki spots on!" 

With a bright red flash, gone was clumsy old Marinette, replaced with the graceful Ladybug. She lifted her trap door and climbed onto her balcony. Then throwing her yoyo with perfect precision she yanked herself into the night sky. Oh, how she missed this!

The wind blowing on her face. Her body gliding through the air. The sense of unstoppable freedom. Yes, she was gonna need to get back into the habit of being Ladybug.  

She swung around Paris forgetting her original plan to go to the Eiffel Tower. That is until she had an idea. She swung to the top of the tower and stood at the very tippy top. She stood with her arms wide open and took a deep breath. 

Letting it out slowly she glanced down over the beautiful city. "I'll catch you. You forgot who your going up against. Im back" Then she tipped off the edge of the tower and nose-dived toward the ground. 

CHATS POV (going back to where he left Marinette) 

I shoved through the crowd after the Mayor's departure. I ignored the chatter around me as I desperately looked for Mr. bourgeois. Finally spotting him at one end of the stage talking to a nobleman. I hurried over. 

"I don't have a ton of time to talk so..." I glanced pointedly at the other guy. It was a clear dismissal. 

"We'll talk over the phone soon André." The man shook hands with the mayor and then respectfully nodded to Chat. "Mr. Noir." Chat watched him walk away then turned to the mayor. 


"I want you to listen to me fully before you turn this offer down." Chat nodded impatiently and gestured for him to continue. 

"I want to donate my largest suit of le grand bâtiment skyscraper to you and Miss Ladybug. In that suit will be an emergency call button that lets a hand-picked team of doctors knows that you are there and are in need of medical help. They will know your identity because they will have to treat you." I began to shake my head. Ladybug would kill me if I agreed to that. 

"Please wait Mr. Noir. Only I will know who those Doctors are. None will know each other's real names or addresses. They're all experts in their fields and that way you can seek medical help if in need. The suit will be stocked with whatever foods you guys need and other comforts. Please Mr. Noir this city needs you and Ladybug and if you can't seek medical help..."

The mayor made sense. This was something to seriously consider. "I'll obviously have to discuss this with Ladybug before we accept this but I think it's a good idea. What security will the room have from people sneaking looks at us?" 

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