Chapter 28

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A few months later in December after a awesome show for LMNTRIX and Ella again, it was time for another wedding. Dylan and Camille! Speaking of Dylan I was currently sitting in his room being that I'm his best woman and Moose is Camille's best man. "How does it feel to be getting married!?" I ask bouncing my baby boy on my knee. "I'm a nervous wreck... what if I mess up and say something wrong and she leaves me at the alter? Remember that episode of friends we watched! What if.." I look at Khayden he looks back at me with a gummy smile. "Camille isn't going to do that dyl, just breathe it will be okay."

Moose then comes walking in with Dylan's brother Cameron. " ready little bro!?" Dylan shakes his head, they look at me " he's nervous." Camera walks over to his brother as Moose takes Khayden "Camille wants to see him." I nod and kiss his lips and my baby's head "you look absolutely beautiful in that dress my love." I blush " thank you my dancing Moose you look handsome as well." He smiles kisses me again and walks away.

I look at my phone a little while later. "It's almost time! Are you ready?" He nods hugging me "let's go see your bride and get you hitched!" He smiles walking out. I watch as him and his mother walk down the isle. "Hey Ella!" I turn around to the voice to see Camille's brother Tyler Gage. "Hey Tyler you look nice. Now where's my bride?" He laughs "she's coming, you did a great job with their wedding." I smile "thank you!" Camille and Moose then show up "look you at you! I'm a little jealous now, I know I have the title of wifey to you, but he gets to marry you in that ugh." She laughs at my joke "you will forever be my wife though." I smile hugging her "let's go get my two best friends married aye!"

The ceremony was absolutely beautiful they had a sand ceremony with gold, white, and red sand. When it was time for the reception they had their first dance to our song we sang at their proposal. Moose comes walking up to me with Khayden "he wanted momma!" I take my baby into my arms and smile down at him. My finace wraps his arms around the both of us swaying "when are we getting married? I'm ready for you to be my wife." I smile watching our two best friends leaning into Moose. "We are getting married in the summer, I have plans it going to be beautiful!" He looks at the smile on my face "I can't wait for the day!"

He then takes my hand a guided us to the dance floor. Wrapping his arms around us slow dancing. "I love you both so much I just can't ever get over that I'm blessed with an amazing family." I smile and kiss him on the lips "me too." When the song ended Camille and Dylan separated us. I dance with Dylan and Khayden while Camille dances with Moose. " thank you for doing this for me the whole thing came out absolutely marvelous! The cake dude how did you even do that!?" I laugh as he twirls us. "I had some help from a certain engineer with that one."

We look over to Moose and Camille talking and dancing "we are totally blessed aren't we." I nod "we are, now since you wouldn't tell me where you are taking her on your honeymoon can you tell me where now?" He nods " I'm taking her to Bora Bora." I stop I look at him impressed "wow" he nods "I know right! I just haven't told her yet."

A while later the whole thing had come to an end and they were off to Bora Bora. "Thank you for your help taking everything down." I tell the crew "your welcome" they all say.

When we got home we put a sleeping baby in his crib and went to sleep with a kiss goodnight.

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