Chapter 16

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The next morning I walk down the stairs, When I got to the bottom I see the twins doing their nails with stuff on their face like they are at a spa and everyone else was laying in the couches. No wonder I woke up alone I move around my brother and walk over to Moose laying on top of him. He wraps his arms around me putting his face into my neck. "alright guys, we have to start rehearsal soon." Andie sighs "I don't think I can face those camera crews anymore." I nods agreeing, there was a knock on the door and the maid comes in Sean turns to look at her "good morning! House keeping??" She asks Sean turns back to us "I got an idea."

"This way, this is the place I tell you." She starts saying something, I couldn't hear her. Sean talks back to her though everyone starts looking around at the place. "Alright yo that circus out there, the cameras, the people, the drama that's nothing but distractions. So let's stay focused and let's get to business." Everyone cheers happily Moose looks a little tired though not really his happy self. I wonder what's up with him. They start practicing as I watch, I miss it I miss dancing with the crew.

I decided I was going to go to the local music store and buy a mic that I can use to record a song here. I get up and walk over to Dylan, he's setting up the music, I tell him where I'm going and walk out not wanting to disturb them.

I drove to the local music store and bought what I needed and when I got back, there was a camera man. "Hey! look it's Alexxas roommate." I groan should've gone around back. They run over to me interviewing me asking me questions, but I ignore them and walk straight through.

When I get back to our level I see them all standing outside. Vladd had his arms out to stop them from walking I turn to see what he was looking at It was a girl! Okay Vladd check you out. I walk over to Moose as we all watch as they talk in their robot dance moves. "Vladd what's up?" Violet asks him "I think their in love, kinda like us." Violet just stares blankly and elbows him in the stomach. Dang dude your not helping yourself here ughhh! "What do you have there?" Moose asks peaking through my bag. "Just some stuff to record a song with." He looks at the things impressed "So that's where you went." I nod taking his hand in mine sadly Vladd didn't get the girl.

We all walk back into the room to change to go out. I take moose's hand and walk upstairs to our room. I change into a blue romper with red heels as he changed into red paints, a plaid shirt, and a stripped blue zip up jacket. When we were done and about to leave I stopped him and brought his lips to mine. "Are you okay? You didn't look all that happy earlier?"  He nods and smiles "I'm fine, I'm just tired." I look at him for a moment "we can stay and sleep if you want..?" He shakes his head. "I want to visit Las Vegas with my girl and crew and maybe we can get dinner together. How does that sound?"

"It sounds great but if your tired Moose we can wait I care about your health." He kisses my forehead "thank you for caring baby but I'm fine if I get too tired I'll tell you and we can come back."

I nod as he takes my hand walking out the door. We meet Andie who is in a beautiful dress and her hair is done. "Dang girl look at you if only I was into girls." Andie laughs "thank you for the compliment E." Moose looks at me "I'm happy your not, you wouldn't have all of this." He does a spin with a smile. We began to walk down the stairs only to be stopped by my brother, he checks her out...Don't like her my ass. "Hey we're going out. I know hanging out with us isn't enough for you, but the rest of us want to have fun while we are here."I grab Moose's hand and walk away. "Nope, not getting in between that!"

When we walk a little down the street there were two women dressed in blue and feathers. Vladd and Moose started dancing with them showing them robot moves. I watch with a smile my brother moon walks in front of Andie. We walk over to a wrestler he did a flip and landed into a split. "Go try on the feather hat!" I tell him he looks at me crazy "I bet you won't do it." He smirks "and if I do?" I shrug and grin
He puts it on and I take a picture and laugh.

We walk up to a lady wearing a mustache and barre. Moose takes the hat off her head while I take the mustache as he comes around he takes a rose and hands it to me. We ride up and escalator to a next level and get drinks mine virgin of course the crew starts dancing to the music they were playing.  "You guys pose I'm going to get a picture!" Everyone poses and I take it. "Wait! Camille take one of us please." Moose asks her she nods. He looks to me, dips me, and kisses me a flash shines as she takes the picture. Then he tells me to smile at the camera I do as told and she takes it again.

We get to a restaurant and sit at the bar "you wanna get out of here and take a walk?" I look to my brother with wide eyes as he asked Andie that question I hit moose "I told you!"  He looks over too. "Sure" she tells him. As they left we were all sitting there eating and talking soon a song comes on and Moose gets up and dances on the bar when he gets to the floor he pulls me up to dance with him and kisses me at the end.

Just dance Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ