Chapter 20

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It was finale day and the place was packed I'm dressed in my steam punk attire. "You ready babe?" I smile and nod, putting my hands on his face brining his lips to mine I break the kiss and I tell him. "Your going to do great my dancing moose." He smiles "your going to do even better my cinderElla." I smile as I turn around grabbing his arm wrapping it around me. The competition starts I see what she's wearing "ah her outfit makes her... an evil bish." Moose laughs into my neck holding me close to him. "Greetings people of the vortex. We are at Cesar's palace and we are ready to settle the score. One team will leave here the champions of the vortex with a three year Vegas contract and one team would just leave. Remember to text your vote and now the moment we've all been waiting for! The grim knights vs LNMTRIX!" Everything goes black. "Are they on chandeliers? And they look werid. They expect to win like that?" Everyone in my crew shushes me I huff sadly watching Moose kisses my neck making me ticklish.

"Bye babe see you up there!" I kiss him walking off with my brother. We stop once we get to his spot "I have faith in you, I love you show her she does not get to ruin your life or take what's yours." He tells me I nod giving him a hug. "Now lmntrix!" My brother walks on stage as some of the crew and I are below. "Thank you, I want to say how much we've enjoyed being apart of this contest and uh it's been a life changing ride. And to be going up against the grim knights what an honor and what a compelling story line." I snort into the mic. Oops. "It's gonna make for some killer tv." I turn off the mic and laugh "You know I came here to win, but I'm ok if that doesn't happen. Tomorrow we might be back to our day jobs, but tonight we are living the dream together. Because I'm up here on this stage. With the best Dan-no with the best of friends and a phenomenal woman." I smile listening to his speech "Who has taught me what really matters. So what do you say we forget about this winning or loosing and just enjoy the show."

I know the first person up there is Moose. The first one to get sent out was one of our dancing robots. "Bye guys see you up there! And make sure to breathe!" They laugh and wave bye. Laying down waiting to be covered with sand. The boys start coming out of the sand and now start their dance and by the sound of it Andie and the girls and guys are next. Now it's time for the boys to swing from the ceiling and to dance with kido.

I hear my best friend on the mic "now let me introduce to you! Ella!" My song starts playing as I am raised onto the platform of the stage. "Hello! Las Vegas! Let's hear it for LNMTRIX!" Everyone screams "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh" I sing as andie and Sean dance beside me.

"Can you see it?
The worst is over
The monsters in my head are scared of love
Fallen people
Listen up
It's never too late to change your luck"

I walk down and stand with moose singing as everyone else pairs up as couples to dance.

"So don't let them steal your light
Don't let them break your stride
There's light on the other side
And you'll see all the raindrops falling behind
It's a revolution
And we'll make it out alive
It's a revolution"

We all split up and start dancing together.
The music repeats revolution

"It's a reva! "ohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh" the music starts playing again.

They all start dancing again as I sing and dance up to my brother, Andie, and Moose who are now on the stage.

"So don't let them steal your light
Don't let them break your stride
There's light on the other side
And you'll see all the raindrops"

"It's a revaluation! Ohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh"
"Listen up!
It's a revaluation
It's never too late to change your luck
Rev!" I song as Moose dances with me with his arms round me.

We all turn to watch my brother and Andie "There's light on the other side
And you'll see all the raindrops falling behind It's a revolution
It's a revaluation." The music plays again as we watch Andie flips into the air into  my brothers arms as she lands it perfectly we all cheer!
She tips his cap and kisses him.

Then party music starts playing they seem to be into their kiss. Moose twirls me around and dips me pulling me up he kisses me. I watch as Violet walks over to Chad spins him around and kisses him.

While everyone parties I say into my mic. "One more time give it up for lmntrix!!" The crowd cheers, My brother runs to me and wraps me in his arms spinning me as everyone cheers. I look over watching Alexxa as she's on the phone and she looks so mad. "The winners are LNMTRIX!" I jump up into moose's arms and kiss him hard. "Congratulations my dancing moose " he laughs and just kisses me back

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