Chapter 3

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Moose's pov!

"Hello!" I yell out to the couple in the house. I heard them says hey back. I walk towards the kitchen. "Welcome back!"
"Cooking dinner you two?" I ask as I sit on the bar stool in front of them Camille nods "yeah so how is Sean doing?" I shrug "he's ok, I mean he had this really crazy idea."
"What?" She asks me Dylan comes up and wraps his arms around her listening to me. "Remember the ad you guys saw about the vortex on VH1?" They nod. "What about it?" She asks

"He's thinking about entering, he can pull it off but the only thing is he doesn't really have anyone but Jason and his sister to do it with. So he kinda asked me to do it."  I say as I go to get a beer from the fridge. "He asked you?"

"I know crazy right!?" Camille and Dylan look to each other "Andddd?" Camille asks looking back at moose.  "no no no I can't, It's completely impractical." They couple look to each other again " so you have no interest in dancing at all?"

"Nope..I'm pretty sure that part of my life is over. Yep I don't even really think about it anymore." Camille sees Dylan smile knowing that was a lie, He dances everyday. "Yeah that was the right call, what would you tell Mr. McGowan" Dylan's buts in "and how could you pull a crew together that fast?" Moose nods to both of them. "Exactly" trying to convince himself "you haven't been training or anything." He went into defense "hey hey hey I'm in shape."

"But at that level I doubt you would be able to pick up where you left off." Camille tells him. "The moose does not loose these skills shawty! ." He does a turn and sits on the recliner arm "wait a second... you two just set me up." Camille nods "maybe" she walks back behind the counter to Dylan to finish dinner. "You guys really want me to do this?" I look to both of them watching them cut veggies. "You want to do this and if you want something we want it for you."

"Really bc I thought you would've thought I was crazy." Camille looks to him "since when did we become them people?"
"So you think I can swing it with my job?" Camille puts down the knife. "You're the dancing moose." Dylan finishes "the dancing moose always figures it out.

As I was about to walk away Dylan asks "Wait theres something else isn't there? There is something else! A girl?" I smile "who is she she?" Camille asks excitedly "she's Sean's sister, her name is Ella. She's really beautiful and sweet." Camille and Dylan smile. "Looks like someone might of found their happy ever after." I shrug "maybe" I say as I steal a grilled shrimp.

The next day I'm at work listening to music, working, and dancing. I turn and see my boss. Oops... "Mr. Alexander" he says "Mr McGowan." The man in his lab coat and white hard hat on says "what are you doing?"

"Um it's actually a focusing exercise where it gets the blood flowing. Faster to your brain this causing an increase in productivity. Uh Sir you should try it sometime, it could help. " That what I can up with. What the frick? "Actually I was hoping that we could talk. Uh sir my grandma is not really doing too well and I'm the only grandson she has. I promised my family that I can take care of her. I mean you had a grandma that used to bake you cookies and make you sweaters."

"My grandmother was a prison warden." Uhhh.. well. "Wow I didn't know that she must've been a very strong tough woman. Who probably had a soft side." Kid you not this man looks me straight in the eyes and says "she was a prison warden." I nod "I understand that. So you do under that from time to time I may need to leave work you know to take her to the doctor." My boss nods "I can admire a man that puts his family first." I go to say something but he continues "as long as you get here two hours earlier to cover the time that's missing." Uhhh... "Two hours?" I ask him
He holds up two fingers "two"

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