Chapter 15

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I open the door and walk into our suite sighing  in relief that no one was there  only for the door to slam shut behind me. "Why would you do that?" Moose asks "do what?" He looks at me with a sad look "leave the crew" I look down "I knew when I saw her last night that something like this would happen I don't know what I did. I was a very good friend...I..uh., don't you need to go?" He shakes his head "I'm not leaving till we get this sorted." He says determined "but you look cute all dressed up." He doesn't react "don't change the subject." I close my eyes.

"I wasn't going to let your dreams be gone because of me or anyone's dreams that are in this crew. You all deserve something great in life. You all deserve this show I'm sorry I lied to you again that was supposed to be so you can be happy. I was going to tell you all eventually. But I..I just want you guys to be happy and if it takes me to leave the crew I will."

Moose walks up to me and wraps me in his arms sitting us on the couch. "You're still going to stay with me. I'm not letting you go anywhere and for Alexxa I'm sorry she's done this to you. Baby I'm so so sorry I want you to be happy. I-" I kiss him "I am happy." I put my head on his shoulder. A few minutes later the whole crew comes in. "Yo! Moose! E! Let's go! What are y'all doing? E? Why aren't you dressed?" My brother asks I look to him with tear stained cheeks "I have an announcement..." I breathe in and out. "I'm leaving the crew." Everyone goes nuts

"Why must you leave me with these losers...not you baby I love you."
"What the fuck!"
"You can't just leave us like that!"
And more thing were said until one person stopped them. "There's more isn't there?" Sean asks I nod "after our talk earlier I went to the training room Alexxa found me. Long story short, I leave the crew you guys can stay in the running. Therefore I left the crew now if you excuse me, I have a dance competition to get ready for."

Moose watch's as Ella walks upstairs. Everyone in the room was stunned "they can't just do that! She's part of our crew." Violet says though Moose not really paying any attention. Moose walks over and plays the video he  recorded of Ella and Alexxa. "This is crazy!" The twins says "we don't find her attractive anymore. " Ella walks down the stairs "I'm ready let's go!"

Everyone looks to me "what? Hey just because I'm not in the crew doesn't mean I can't support." Pulling on my lmntrix jacket with a smile. Everyone walks over and wraps me in a group hug. "We saw what Alexxa did and what happened between you two." I shrug "it's over and done with now I'm ready to see some dancing." Moose walks up to when everyone backed away he kisses me in front of everyone. "What was that for?" He smiles as she straightens his cap "for being you."

When we get there they leave to go to their spot. "Good luck you guys! I love you!" As they left a big man with a security badge walks up to me. "Are you Ella Asa?" I nod he said to come with him I walked we went to the middle of the room in front of the stage. "This is your seat for all shows and this is from Ms Alexxa." He gives me a note and it read "thought you might want to watch the show and watch as the other teams crush your crews have a nice time." I scowl this bitch. It's the elimination round I watch as Alexxa gets carried out by men like a royal.

She looked up at someone, I followed her eyesight to see that she's looking at my brother. I look back at her as she met my eyes with a fake smile. She introduces the votex and then all the crews come up start performing. When it was over she came back to the stage to announce the winners. They were divine intention, the mob, grim knights, and lmntrix. I cheer with the crowd as she said it.

The crews have already left so I had to wait until the crowd left. I waited until the place was empty to leave, there was no way I was making it through all those people. "So I guess you'll be staying.." I hear a certain voice and turn to them "I guess I will.. looks like lmntrix won.." I smirk "not for long.." alexxa says, I question her "you can't make the decisions only the audience can that's the rules." She grins evilly "we'll see..." I turn and walk out. When I got to the suite I stopped at the door I looked down at the note reading it again. I put it in my pocket and putting a smile on my face, I open the door everyone so happy and I'm happy they were.

"Congratulations Lmntrix! Looks like you're moving on to the next round and hopefully winning this thing!" I smile and announce to them walking down to the table. My brother comes up and wraps me in his signature bear hug that's always reserved for me. "Thank you! We couldn't have had done it with out your help. You will still help us with the dancing and music right?" I smile and take a strawberry from the fruit table. "You bet I am." My brother backs up a small bit of ways.

Familiar arms wrap around my middle "we did it!" Moose's says as he kisses my neck. "Yeah y'all's moves were impressive and that jump at the end! I can't wait to see what you all have planned next." I shrug. We stayed up and talked for a little while longer until it was time to go to bed. "Alright night guys!" Moose says taking my hand in his. "Don't have celebratory sex while I'm here!" I laugh running up the stairs with Moose. He opens the door, closes it and kisses me. "I was happy to see you front and center. How did you get there?" I change into my pjs "after you guys left a big tall man told me it was reserved for me." He nods as we both climb in bed, snuggle together. This is what happiness feels like? I don't want it to ever end.

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