Chapter 1

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I got a text message from Jason saying the crew had left my brother, but he didn't leave. He also said he was having trouble finding my brother I sighed and shut down my computer. I knew that they were having a hard time with auditions, but I didn't think they would just leave him. I grabbed my keys and went out to search for him. When I finally found him the next day it was in a coffee shop, he was staring at his computer. I ask the barista for a caramel iced coffee, I gave her the money as she handed it to me I told her to keep the change she smiles and says thank you.

I walk over to my brother and sit in front of him. He looks up at me with a sad smile. "What are you doing here?" I sip on my coffee before answering "Jason text me last night, Sean we've been looking for you since yesterday. Where have you been?" He looks down and shrugs. "I know that you both are about to be kicked out the apartment so I'm going to let you and Jason come live with me." He gives me a sad smile. "Thank you sis. I..I'm sorry I just I can't believe they all left.I.." something on his computer caught his eye as he clicked it.

I walk behind him and watch it "the vortex"
"Cesar's palace, international pop sensation Alexxa brava." A familiar looking girl with a purple wig and a white dress comes on the screen. He looks to me "hey isn't that the girl that-" I shushed him. "I'm Alexxa brava and welcome to the vortex.! This is more than just a dance competition. This is the ultimate showdown with the ultimate prize. Many crews will enter, but only one will win a three year booking at fabulous Las Vegas! We are now accepting videos for the world's best dancers. We are looking for originality, creativity and pure spectral! Does your crew deserve a Vegas show? Go send us your video and show us that your crew has what it takes." We watched as the video ended.

Sean looks to me with a smile "your going to do this aren't you?" His smile gets bigger. "Fine!" He takes my hand as we run out of the coffee shop. "Come on let's go get you two settled into my house, Scout misses his uncle." He smiles and we hop in my car to go pick up Jason "thanks for letting us stay with you El."I glance at Jason in my rear view. "Anything for family." When we get home Scout the German shepherd puppy comes running up to them. "Hey boy! We are going to have house mates! How does that sound?" He barks and wags his tail. They all get settled in and by the time we were done it was night time. "Good night boys I'm going to bed!"

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