Chapter 9

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When we get to Ana and Boris's house not even a step in Dylan grabs my hand and takes me to the couch. "Don't you look cute! What happen to my best friend? Hahaha... anyway I've been working on their music. Check this song out. I think they should use this instead of the song your brother lamely picked out to practice with." I put the head phones on and listen to it. I look to him and smile "I like it. I think they should too." He nods and calls them over "ok so I know you kinda already had a song in mind...but can I interest you in another. " Sean goes to answer "I wasn't really asking I was more like telling, listen to this" he plays it at first Sean was iffy on it until Moose and Andie started doing moves to it. That sounds great!" We high five each other.

We all sit down at the dinner table with his grandparents. "Mooski eat another meat ball. You need to be strong to perform for your video." His grandmother tells him giving him another meatball. "I also made veggie loaf in case anyone wants some." Camille says. Oops I kinda feel bad I didn't bring anything his grandmother  mumbles " Vega Vega" Sean asks for the veggie loaf "vegan Baba vegan." She looks at him "poof that you are vegan! You need meat good for the body. Look how she eats her balls." I stop my fork mid way as she says that. Dylan and Sean both look to me and know that I want to laugh. "You like the balls?"  Ana asks Andie "yes thank you they're great!"
Ana tells her that she will give her the recipe so she can make them for Sean. I look down barely containing my laughter, Sean kicks me. "They are actually good it's actually a little different than regular meatballs." Dylan, Moose, and Camille share a look. "Kind of chewy" Moose's grandfather says "it is he was a tough goat." Andie, Sean, and I stop eating.

Sean asks him "goat?" Boris nods "you know" then imitates a goat. "Yeah goat balls they are a total delicacy back in the old country." Sean nods and picks up his napkin spitting it out. Sean looks to me with a questionable look "what? I'm hungry and believe me I had worse." I whisper in his ear. "Once again veggie loaf anyone?" Dylan and Moose grab a piece of veggie loaf.  "I like the meat" Boris says Sean who was drinking his drink spits it back out in his cup. As I smile into mine, this has been a very interesting dinner.

"Are you sure you're ok with the dishes?" Moose asks Sean and Andie. "Yeah we got this" Sean says " yeah go we're almost done." Dylan and I walk in behind Camille and Moose "next time I'm cooking dinner." Camille says "I'm so not against that idea at all." Andie tells her
Camille giggles "alright we are outta here!" Moose tells them, when we get outside he kisses me goodbye.

Moose actually went back home with Camille and Dylan for the night, he told me he would call me later. I went into my mini library and began writing songs. I eventually got tired I began dozing off and eventually falling asleep.

"Dude I tried calling her like ten times she's not picking up. I should've never let her go home alone man. I'm worried about her." Sean listens to Moose as he opens the door. "I know my sister she wouldn't just leave without telling anyone if she was going far." Scout runs up to Sean. 

"Scout where's your momma? Where is she boy?" He barks and runs up the stairs. Sean follow him with a worried Moose on the phone. When he opens her bedroom door she wasn't in there, neither was she in her bathroom. "Uhh..Jason!" Jason walk out of his bedroom "what's up?" He asks rubbing his eyes. "Have you seen Ella?" He shakes his head. "Now that you ask, I didn't hear her come in." Scout whines laying down at Ella's library door. Sean opens it and sees his sister knocked out.

She is laying on her stomach on the white couch with her song book hanging out of her hand and little snores coming from her. "She's safe Moose, she's asleep." Moose sighs in relief. "Thanks dude, sorry I freaked out she usually calls me back instantly." Sean nods "it's ok, it shows that you care for her I'm going to go pick her up now. We will see you tomorrow for the video alright?" Moose says bye and hangs up. Sean walks over to his sister bending down picking her up. Sean carries her back to her bed. As he walk away she grabs his hand "please stay.." Sean nods to his sister climbing into bed and wrapping his arms around her.

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