Chapter 25

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Two days later

The men of LMNTRIX was finishing work in the baby's room. "Why has this baby not come yet!? The pain is getting worse and worse!" I cry out, I start crying because I feel so miserable. ""How long have you been feeling these pains?" Camille asks. I sniff "like maybe an hour they come and go. They are worse than what I've been feeling these last few days."

"How long have they've been lasting?" She asks me. "Like every ten to thirty minutes why?" I can't even think I'm in so much pain.  "I have to pee, but I don't want to move." Camille calls for Moose. Urine then starts rolling down my leg as Moose comes walking in. "Don't look at me I just peed on myself." Camille shakes her head "That's not pee Moose go get the hospital bag your baby is about to be here." I look at her questionably. "Wha..I.." the most unbearable pain hit harder than ever. "Let's go!" Camille yells as she helps me up off the couch. My finace then runs down the stairs. "I got everything!" Brining Dylan and Sean down with him. They put me in the back seat of my car as Moose drives us to the hospital speeding down the highway with Sean,  Andie, Eddie, and Jason right behind us. Camille gets off the phone "Ana and Boris are going to meet us there." I put my head in the crook of her neck. "It hurts." Tears start pooping out of my eyes. "I know I'm so sorry." She replies as she rubs my back.

We pull up to the hospital and Dylan runs out. A couple nurses help me out the car and into a wheelchair. When we get into the room the doctor checks me. "Okay love your only at five centimeters." My jaw drops and I begin to cry "what!?" She nods "I know your in pain I'm so sorry, but I can only deliver you at ten. Did you want anything right now to help with the pain?" I shake my head no, she smiles to me "just ring the button and we will be here to get you whatever you need.

Everyone is in the hospital room with me "five I'm at five!?" I yell "ladies always make sure you wrap it up, you don't want to feel like this trust me it's miserable." I groan as another pain hits, Moose kisses my forehead. "You look miserable. Are you sure you don't want anything." I give Dylan a mean look "do I look that bad?" Tears start running down my cheeks, Camille hits him "babe don't say that kind of stuff to a woman who is about to give birth."

A little while later the doctor comes back in and checks she smiles "your at nine, one more to go." I sigh on relief  "I'll be back shortly." When she leaves Moose takes my hand in his "we are about to be parents.." I smile to him and look in his eyes they had tears in them "I know, and just know your the first on baby duty." He laughs "I know my love, just get our baby here first." Dylan sighs "I can't believe you didn't want to find out the gender!" I smile "we wanted it to be a surprise"I tell him. "I wanna do a natural birth meaning no meds or anything." Moose nods "I'll be here with you, I'm sorry you in so much pain my love. "

The doctor comes back in and checks me again. "Your at ten are you ready to meet your baby?" I cry out a sob and nod in relief and excitement. "If you guys can step out I just need a related family member and the father. As they were walking out Dylan asks "can her life partner be in here too?" Camille takes him by the collar "come on, we can see our life partners after the baby is born. "I laugh and shake my head. "Okay love we are going to position you.. alright are you ready to push?" I nod as I grab both Sean and Moose's hands. I push what feels like forever.

"Your baby is almost out love one more push and that should be it okay...1..2..3" I push with all the might that I had left and fall back onto the pillows. There was the sound of my baby's cry I put my hand over my mouth sobbing. "It's a boy!" I look to Moose he has his face covered by his hands crying. I look I've to my brother he has tear streaks on his face. "You wanna hold him momma?" I nod and take my baby from the doctor. "Thank you so much" the doctor smiles "your welcome love I do pray for a fast recovery for you too."

Sean steps out to give us a moment I look to Moose who just stares at our baby in awe. "Khayden Lennox Alexander?" He smiles to me "you thought long about that name didn't you? That's not very common, I love it and I love you. Thank you for giving me everything I've ever wanted." He leans down and kisses my lips. I look down at our baby....our baby that's

Everyone comes walking in they had a big white bear with a blue bow, blue balloons, and blue flowers. Andie and Sean walks up first "he's beautiful!" I smile to her "thank you" I look to Moose "do you want to hold him?" He nods taking his son. "What's his name?" I look to my baby with the biggest smile. "Khayden Lennox Alexander." The girls awe "I like the name, it has a nice ring to it." Dylan says I look at him "I know, I picked it out." He laughs and sits on the bed beside me "so life partner how was the waiting room?" He laughs "it was boring I can't believe they wouldn't let your life partner stay, They broke my heart!" I shake my head with a smile.

"We aren't getting any sleep for a long time are we.." I shake my head "nope, but it will be worth it." Everyone gets to hold the baby at least once before they all left. Moose sits down in the chair beside me watching me feed our son. "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say with a kiss.

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