97 ⭑ 5EVER.

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"T-t-tongues, always pressed to your cheek. While my tongue is on the inside of some other girls' teeth..."

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The frosting on the cupcakes I bought was melting.

It was inching toward seven o'clock and they still hadn't come.

Fuck, what am I even doing?

I checked the messages on my phone for the third time that hour before I put it down and tapped my fingers against the edges of my kitchen counter. The only sound in the house was the dripping of the faucet, and the whipping of the fan across the room.

I thought for sure they'd come.

It wasn't like it'd be my first birthday alone, but, this year, with these people, I thought... maybe things would be different. Maybe I'd have real friends.

I really, really liked them.

Harlow was funny. In a way that made me wanna kiss him and punch his dumbass in the face, all at the same time. He was beautiful, and smart, and sweet, and his taste in music, clothes, was eccentric, but impeccable. He had the kind of personality, the kind of laugh that you needed around all the time, no matter how intense it was.

And Cherry... she was one of a kind. Perfect. I'd never met someone so patient. So loving. I admired her in so many different ways, but most of all for the way she treated her friends; like they were precious dolls made of glass, too important to crack.

I was jealous of both of them. They were perfect for each other in every possible way. Which was why they were probably out having drinks with their gorgeous friends, living their amazing lives, being happy, like they should've been.

Inhaling deeply, I decided to open the package of cupcakes.

I pulled on the handle of a drawer until it came popping out behind the counter and grabbed a package of birthday candles. I stuck one in the cupcake and lit it up with my lighter.

Exhaling, I closed my eyes to make a wish, but the second my vision went dark, I swore I heard...

Is that music?

I snapped open my eyes and listened hard, wondering if I left my radio on somewhere. But, it soon grew louder, and louder.

Bass boosted rock.

I blew out of the candle quick and jogged toward the window in the bay of my breakfast nook, seeing a distant hoard of people driving up to my house.

"What the..." I widened my eyes in unbridled shock and scrambled to the front door, whipping it open to run down the porch steps.

"Hey!" I turned my head left to right, shouting at the motorcycles skimming up rocks and dirt in the round-about driveway.

Several men and women hopped off, headed straight for me.

"Excuse me, why are you here?"

"We're here for the party, mate! You have beer inside?" A guy in a bright yellow helmet slapped my shoulder as he pulled it off of his head. He didn't wait for my answer before he pushed right past me and ran up my front steps, inside.

I didn't chase after him, I didn't have time, because more and more people were suddenly coming. All faces, ages, shapes, sizes, all scrambling in from God knew where, and ignoring my protests.

"Par--who the fuck sent you here?! I-I didn't invite you! Hey! It's the wrong house!" I yelled, spinning in circles, "Why is no one listening to me? Get out of my house! What the fuck is..."

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