8 ⭑ Truth or Dare?

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"All of the wasted time, the hours that we've left behind, the answers that we'll never find. They don't mean a thing, tonight."
Boys like girls by The Great Escape. (Bloody Valentine.)

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"Alright, alright, settle down, you greedy fuckers!"

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"Alright, alright, settle down, you greedy fuckers!"

Ready to play my first ever game of Truth or Dare, I clung to Koi on one end of the table, watching as more wild, tipsy girls and boys gathered around, either to watch or too, to participate.

I hadn't a clue what was going on, but I was thrilled.

"Koi, baby why don't you lay out the rules to get this party started." Niko rubbed his hands together after placing a big bottle of alcohol onto the table in between us.

"Okay. So, if you're like Cherry who's never been to a party before or if you've just never played, this is how we do it!" Koi reached with one hand and grabbed the bottle, emitting loads of groans from people around me, "Boohoo, boohoo. Yes we play with fireball, you pussies, that means toughen up or get out!"

"You heard her Niko, that means you." Mikey laughed, earning a glare from him and a swat upside the head.

Koi continued, "We play like normal truth or dare, and we go around the circle, asking whoever you want, whatever you want! But-if you don't wanna spit out the truth, you have to take a shot, and the more you keep the truth in, the more shots you have to take. If you don't spit out the truth once, that's one shot. Twice? Two. And so on. Then of course, if you don't do the dare, you have to take a shot too! So basically, don't be a bitch, Mikey, that means you!"

Everyone around us laughed and Mikey threw a plastic cup at her, missing and making it clatter to the floor.

"Alright everyone, tonight we do have a special guest, this is Cherry, she's our little party virgin. Never played this before, so she goes first!" Koi smiled at me, linking her arm with mine to sway us back and both a little, "T or D, toots?"

"Um..." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harlow come back from the bathroom just in time, distracting me for a second, but I cleared my throat and ignored him sitting down directly to my right, "Truth."

"Ooo, okay." Koi laughed before she tapped her finger on her lips, "Who do you think is hotter? Niko or-Harlow?"

I stopped a chip halfway to my mouth and widened my eyes a little at her.

"What kind of question is that?" I blurted out.

"Oh, easy answer babes, come on!" Niko patted his chest and then spread his arms out wide, hitting Mikey in the face.

"Please. She may hate my guts and she may be dumb, but she's not blind..." Harlow simply crossed one arm over his stomach as he slumped in his chair, twirling a drumstick in between his other fingers mindlessly, "Isn't that right... Cherry?"

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