100 ⭑ Where's My Love?

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"Cold sheets, but where's my love?"
Where's My Love by SYML.

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"No, please don't make me go!"

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"No, please don't make me go!"

"Oliver, you have to. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I apologized profusely and with shaking hands as Matthew held a weeping Oliver over his shoulder and carried him out to his pickup truck.

Seeing him cry hurt just as much as seeing Bella cry, but we couldn't have him at the house, he simply couldn't be with us right now.

Cherry was missing, and I didn't have time to watch him.

The second he was out, I ran back into the house to try and see where Zayn was at with the footage from the coffee shop.

However, I didn't get far because as I went to close the front door, it was opened again to Ollie, shoving himself in my arms, "Please, let me stay!"

"Ollie, you cannot be here. Look at me, look," I pried his body off of me and bent down to his level as Matthew popped into the door and sighed in defeat.

"I wanna s-stay here with you. Please let me stay here, I don't wanna go," He blubbered, his chest heaving with sharp, breathy cries, "I'll be good, I promise. I won't bother you, I won't say anything. I'll stay in my room."

"You can't stay dearie, I'm so sorry. You have to go and you have to go now, okay? We will be back to see you, you can come over whenever you want but for right now? Today? It's not safe here for you. And we wanna be safe, right? Cherry..." I trailed off, feeling my chest tighten with panic.

Just the thought of her felt like a distant memory and I hated that. I hated that she wasn't around.

I held both sides of his face and wiped his tears, "Cherry wants you safe right now. She'd be telling you the same thing if she were here."

"Please." He sobbed.

"No..." I shook my head slowly and frowned, hugging him tightly for a moment.

When I pulled back from him, I reached into my wallet to get a picture. One of him, Cherry, and I that I kept in there.

"Here. Have this, alright? And when you get sad I want you to look at the picture and remember the happy times and how close they'll be next time you see us. Remember that we love you, that I... I love you, Ol. I do, I love you so much. You're the best kid ever and you're so loved. You know that..."

"To Saturn and back?" He sniffled, clutching onto the picture like it was his last life.

"Absolutely. Saturn and back." I nodded, fist-bumping him and watching as he limply did the handshake we came up with.

I stood up and looked at Matthew, leading him to give me a small nod in agreement. He took Oliver's hand and led him from the house reluctantly, having to push him just a bit since he wasn't paying attention.

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