99 ⭑ Why wouldn't I do it for you?

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"Didn't I do it for you? Why don't I do it for you? Why won't you do it for me? When all I do is for you?..."
Cellophane by FKA Twigs.

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"Amara. Her name was Amara."

Sitting outside on the balcony in the fresh air with Zayn and Niko to calm him down, I felt anxious. Curious. A little frightened. You name it, I could feel it.

"Amara? Wh--Where have I heard that name before? Who was she?..." I looked at him in horror, sickness boiling deep in my belly, "N' what d'you mean Aurora was there?"

Niko closed his eyes and took a deep breath as a wave of whistling wind passed over us, calming the quiet air around us and purifying the moment with the sound of Oliver's happy, joy-filled laughter upstairs. Just for a second.

"Amara was Axel's girlfriend." He finally said with a sniffle, opening his eyes and looking over at me.

The muscles in my body settled and my stomach hollowed out, my lips only being able to respond with a whisper, "What?"

"Months ago. Not long after Bella had died, the trial for Axel's case was supposed to begin." He began to explain, obvious discomfort on his face, "But, he had a girlfriend. Amara. And Amara was--" He cut himself off and tried to hide the anger on his face but he did a piss poor job.

"She was a fucking lowlife. She was going to testify for Axel. And the rumor was that if Cherry didn't testify, with Amara's testimony, Axel had a chance of getting out. She fucking made up alibis. She--she worked with The Ace's I'm certain of it."

"N' the evidence file that was in transport, headed to lock up in upstate New York, it was lost. That was the reason why Gina called Cherry in the first place. She was their last ditch effort to put him in jail because Amara was essentially blackmailing Axel's victims."

Oh, fuck. Cher.

"So, when Amara came on the TV at the courthouse, blabbing to reporters about how Axel was innocent? I..."

"When Zayn called Cherry and said Amara went missing, that she was in the wind and that his victims' were able to be turned around --" I didn't wanna say it, "Niko, that was because of you? You... you killed her?"

"I did it for you..." He choked, his voice breaking.

"She was going to testify. She still had a hold on all those girls she was helping pimp out, she was so determined to make sure he wouldn't go to jail, and I couldn't let you..." He struggled to catch his breath, "I couldn't let you g-get bad again. I had to do it, Harlow. All those years of pain, all that suffering, all of Cherry's suffering, Bella's death, I wouldn't let it be in vain."

I was speechless.

"I saw her on TV. Out and about, bragging about her creep of a boyfriend being the 'love of her life' and I... I fucking lost it. I just lost my fucking mind." He gritted, "I heard her call all of those innocent, sweet little girls 'liars' and 'tricksters', saying that they were willing participants in their own abuse, I couldn't stomach it. I was sick. She was sick, sick in the fuckin' head."

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