71 ⭑ Design Diva.

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"Tell me something, where your boss at?"
♫ Diva by Beyonce.

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"Alright, listen up you little' punks!"

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"Alright, listen up you little' punks!"

"Today..." Cherry said, tapping a drumstick she stole from my back pocket against her hand like a scolding mother as she paced in front of Zayn, Niko, Mike, Arthur and I who were lined up on the wall. Like soldiers getting prepared for battle.

"Is the day of all days. Tonight is the night of all nights. Why? Because, say it with me, it is...."

We all very unevenly and sloppily echoed:

"Koiya Belle Blanchard's 20th Barbie Birthday Bash."

Try saying that ten times fast.

"That's right." She smacked the makeshift baton on her hand with every word, eyeing us all with the scorn of a U.S Army General. She even had a pink newsboy hat on and a black prison jumpsuit, ready to get her hands dirty, "Which means, it is not day to fuck around or piss me off, you got that?"

"Yes ma'am."

Niko nudged my shoulder and leaned closer to my ear, whispering, "She couldn't have just said 'birthday party'? What a mouthful, am I right?"

Goosebumps zapped up my spine and I side-eyed him with an awkward laugh, leaning away until he drifted from my close proximity.

"What's wrong with you today?"

"Hey! The talker," Cherry snapped, making me jump and face forward again with my full attention.

I heard Niko sigh and I knew he'd rolled his eyes considering our Party Planner President took a few steps closer, tapping his cheek with the stick, "Do you think this is a joke?"

"No." He kept his mouth sealed shut, fighting off a smirk.

"Yeah. That's what I fuckin' thought." She stepped back and took the clipboard from Kristen that was overflowing with pastel pink shades of paper,

"This is the party for my best friend, people! For our best friend. I have been planning out this surprise for a week behind her back. And not a detail will be forgotten, not one, do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Cherry snapped her eyes toward me, softening her tone, "Harlow, would you be a babe and pass around the flyers?" She smiled, handing me a small stack of pink parchment paper.

I took a step forward and grabbed them, handing one to each boy in the line and then Naomi and Kristen who were sitting on the couch.

Cherry sighed in contentment when I stepped back in line and held her clipboard to her chest, "In your hand, you'll find the invite flyer I posted around town and online to the party tonight at the venue I rented out. It's an old strip club and bar that closed up downtown, and I think it's the perfect place to host the show."

Pretty Punk CherryWhere stories live. Discover now