15 ⭑ Hello?

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"You can feel it in your mind. Oh, you can do it all the time. Plug it in, change the world. You are my electric girl."
Electric Feel by MGMT.

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I absolutely crushed my very first day at work

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I absolutely crushed my very first day at work.

And to celebrate? I was dancing around Harlow's empty house in my underwear while listening to my newfound favorite song, 'electric feel' by MGMT.

"All along the western front, people line up to receive... she's got the power in her hands, to shock you like you won't believe."

For some odd reason, I didn't think that stocking records, ringing up customers and standing around all day could be so much fun, yet it was.

The only thing about today that wasn't pleasant, was the old smelly guy who came in perving around the Stevie Nicks CDs and the pornography magazines in the back, but even he complimented my hair so it wasn't really too bad!

Arthur was there and he showed me the ropes all day to my disappointment, because Jess called out sick.

But I still had fun with him. He was a really sweet guy.

We basically just talked all day about random things like music, food, movies, etc. I got to meet my manager Peter who was the nicest guy ever and for some reason felt the need to call me 'cupcake.'

He reminded me a bit of Paul McCartney, except he was a bit older and had a style resembling Billy Ray Cyrus.

Regardless, my life just felt better today because my work day went so smoothly.

I was gradually feeling more free in myself, and while I had no idea where my life was headed, I sorta... didn't give a crap.

Niko, Harlow and the boys were teaching me that life didn't have to be planned out.

And it was important to have fun with yourself in the little moments.

"Saw her in the amazon, with the voltage running through her skin." I'd listened to the song fifty times already that morning, so I was able to sing along to every single word as I danced around the kitchen.

Was I using the spatula I was making my pancakes with to sing? Yes.

Did I look stupid? Yes.

Did I care?...Depended on if anyone saw me, but-I was trying not to care and that was the important part.

Harlow making the comment about me being a doormat the previous night really made me think.

I didn't take it to heart too much, but when he said that I seemed like the type of person to do anything to get a gold star. I really sat with it.

Literally. My mom used to have charts where she would give me gold stars if I was behaved well enough.

Granted, it only worked up until I turned around fourteen, it was insane that he managed to guess that small part of my life.

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