95 ⭑ All Rockstars' Drink their Milk

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"It fucks with your honor and it teases your head"
Blood Bank by Bon Iver

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"So, what did your dad say last night?"

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"So, what did your dad say last night?"

"Must you pester me about this so early? We haven't even had our morning make out yet." Crawling back into bed with Harlow, I snuggled up at his side and avoided his question with a kiss to his lips.

It was the morning after our glorious, iconic, and disastrous dinner with Harlow's mum, and all I'd gotten to do was brush my teeth and check on Ollie before he started pestering me with questions about my conversation with my dad.

Ready or not, he was there.

"Mm." He pulled back, giving me a pointed stare, "You dodged me all last night. I can tell it's bothering you. You're doing that little twitch with your nose and you were biting your nails. I know you. Tell me."

"Fine." I sighed, laying back flat onto my pillow, "He called me to tell me that... he was sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Harlow scooted closer and leaned his head onto his elbow, looking down at me while he rubbed my belly, like he always did.

"For being so busy. For not returning my calls. For not visiting again yet because of work. It seemed... genuine. He said that he misses me and that he's been busy."

"He asked where I was, what I was up to. I told him we were in England on vacation and having a fun time. He asked about the weather, told me to ask you to take me to the clover club, and then... we hung up. That's it."

"Okay, and you were in a bitchy mood last night because..." He gestured lazily with his hands.

"I guess I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around the timing. Why now? I haven't heard from him in almost a month? He came to meet me, called once more, and then ditched. I don't want him to try and come into my life if he's not even really gonna be in it, you know? I don't want my time wasted." I explained with a frown, "Not to mention, it seemed genuine, but it was also off-putting."

"In what way?"

"The first question he asked me was how are you, and then 'where are you?' Like..." I shook my head and scratched it as I furrowed my eyebrows, "Like he was worried for my safety-- and it's not such a strange thing, but you should've heard him on the phone. It was... weird. And urgent."

Harlow reached across the bed and took my hand in his own, brushing his thumb across the back of it in smooth circles, "He's your dad, Cher. I get what you mean, but I wouldn't go overthinking it."

"Zack seems like a nice guy and--you were taken away from him once, I can guarantee, he's worried he'll lose you again. I would be. Did Aurora call?"

"No, I thought about checking in but I'm sort of past caring," I said with frustration, rubbing my eyes n' trying to rid my head of stupid thoughts that crippled my mind with anxiety.

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