6 ⭑ What's happenin' to you?

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"I got a feelin' that I'm not gonna be here for next year. So, let's laugh a little before I'm gone."
The way I see things by Lil Peep.

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"Harlow, we're gonna talk about this-"

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"Harlow, we're gonna talk about this-"

"Fuck off, Niko." Grabbing another beer from the fridge, and then slamming the door shut, I ignored him calling my name throughout the house and walked straight toward the basement door. But I felt his hand grip my arm roughly when it creaked open half a centimeter, leading me to yank it back, "What about fuck off do you not understand? Go someplace else-in fact, go set up your dumbass party."

"Why did you pick her up? What's wrong?" Niko ignored my every request, taking a step closer to me.

"Maybe because I fucking can. Mind your own goddamn business." I spat thickly, turning back around and grabbing the basement door to whip it open.

Niko's hand slammed on the door to shut it again, before grasping the front of my shirt and shoving me up against the cold door, "Hey. Talk to me. Quit bottling up your fucking feelings and tell me what the hell is going on. You and I both know you only do stupid things when something bad is going on inside that mess of a brain of yours."

"Stop pretending like you'll get it, you're wasting your time." A laugh crept its' way up my throat as I shook my head, "Just let me fucking go."

"What is happenin' to you?" Niko whispered worriedly, "Look at me."

I toned down my laughter as I huffed out heavy breaths and I made eye contact with him hard, his bright green eyes dilated while he looked at me. I could see the disappointment, the care, the disgusting love he often shoved on me to make me feel better. It made me feel worse than I did, even though sometimes I indulged in that love. Nothing ever helped.

"What do you want from me, huh?" I muttered, tilting my head to the side lazily, "You want me to be perfect and happy, to skip off into the sunset and be all rainbows n' sunshine, huh? Well, too fucking bad. I'm bloody trying, and-"

"Are you?!" Niko exclaimed incredulously, shoving me against the door again when I slipped from his grasp. His eyes followed my every move, "Cause' it doesn't seem like you are! You're that paranoid of your past that you're picking up girls from the side of the road because you're scared for them! How is that trying, huh? Trying, Harlow, would be learning that you can't protect all of them. You can't act like an asshole to everyone all the time because something bad happened to you either-"

On instinct, I shoved him back away from me but he was bigger. Stronger. Always had been. And I was right back where he put me within' seconds.

"You need to talk to a professional, Harlow. I'm serious-"

"You want me to sit down and -and talk about my feelings?" I laughed, banging my head back against the door to stifle the pain it gave me to even have this conversation. "Do you think that's gonna bring her back? Huh?"

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