101 ⭑ Beach House

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"For you, I'd bleed myself dry."
♫ Yellow by Coldplay.

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Life was so fucking stupid

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Life was so fucking stupid.

It was nothing but lie, after lie, after lie from the people you thought you could trust most in the world.

And something so simple as that lie, could flip your world upside down completely.

My mom lied to me my entire life about who my biological father was, my parents collectively lied to me about how love was supposed to be, about how life was supposed to go.

Then I escaped that, through insurmountable odds, I found myself and found my truth, just to turn around and get lied to by the two people in the world I'd thought were my real family. Who I'd thought were honest, true, amazing individuals.

And at that point, I found it hard to trust anyone.

The thought of Zack lying to me about Amara, my estranged, seemingly psychopathic sister, and of Aurora lying to me about her and her true intentions, made blood boil deep in my veins and it felt like a turning point to such rotten hatred and disgust.

My entire, shit-filled, pathetic life was a lie. And as it turned out, I wasn't so good at keeping the anger inside.

For months, for years, I bottled it up, I harbored it away because I was fine, right?

I could handle it, right?

Sit still, look pretty and all of your problems will blow away in the wind like dandelions.

Fuck, was I wrong.

It was eight fifty and my fiance had shown no signs of showing up to save me, to pull some magic stunt and come through like a knight in shining armor to slay the retched dragon bitch keeping me hostage.

And I couldn't blame him.

It felt like I should've been sad, scared, I should've felt anything except furious knowing that my life was about to end. But I didn't.

"Times running out..." Aurora said with a sly smile, loading up a gun by a rickety wood table five feet away from me, "Turns out your boyfriend might be just as pathetic as I thought."

"Fiance." My wrists were raw, aching, and bloody from pulling on the barbed, sharp rope that Aurora had secured on my wrists but I was determined to get free one way or another. I was discreet and the pain meant nothing if I got to get out of there alive or if I got free enough to knock some sense into my bitch sister.

"N' you have no right to talk about my love life. What about your boyfriend, huh? What's that like, Rora?"

I couldn't believe she was with Jess.

Whether he was just her plaything or whether he was in on it, I didn't know but she was bragging about it like he was a trophy.

That was after she'd explained everything to me about Amara.

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