Little Puppy

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Dream POV

We have gone a different direction, where I wasn't led to before. It's past his office. Much further away from everyone.

We arrived to a quite bigger door, and there was a small one nearly next to it. I'm starting to see a pattern here. Means I'll be watched by them while they stand behind that glass in a second room.

When Quackity turned around, George let go of my hand. "Take that" he shoved the clipboard into George's chest as he went to me. He grabbed the muzzle, yanked my head down and I stayed put to not make it worse for myself. He began to undo the belts and took the thing away from me.

I rubbed my cheekbones while I watched George. Quackity had handed him the muzzle too, making both his hands occupied.

"Now, listen to me." his eye drills through my soul, catching every glimpse of my weaknesses which make me feel small when he looks at me like that. "A friend behind that door is waiting for you, and I expect you to fight. Fight until blood is the cause of your unconsciousness, got it? Because today I'll make sure it'll happen with your friend or even without.

Today is your lucky day." a smile starts to form on his face.

My ears fold back and my body starts heating up from stress. I could barely breathe either, he was close to my face.

Then when he seemed to be stepping back and aside, holding up the card against the sensor, the door opened. In the corner there was a chained up by the neck feral fox hybrid moving constantly, trying to pull against the chain's force towards me while giving me a hungry, feral stare.

I freeze in place, but one thing comes more as a conflict to me than this.

I look at George and take off the hoodie, handing it to him gently.

George looked up at me with glassy eyes, giving me a look of that there was no more hope. As if Quackity just proved him wrong about there not being any hope for freedom. Or any for me.

"Come on! Get the fuck in already!" Quackity was impatient.

I look at Quackity and then to the hybrid. I take a few steps towards the room, but then I was pushed inside. I wanted to turn around and go back as soon as that fear hit me, but the door began to close.

And I hear George's yell the last seconds "Wait Quackity! The hybrid is drugged, how da-!"

All I hear is the beast behind me now.

Drugged? I turn around again to see, and I only now realize the foaming in its mouth was not a natural thing.

I go into the opposite corner of that monster and my heart starts to race. For the first time towards a hybrid I'm feeling pure fear. What has gone wrong with me? Since when did I get so soft and weak? I'm so startled I can't even turn into the beast I despise.

"What's wrong?" the fox teases. "So weak to the point you're just human? Can't turn back?" then he laughs with this ugly, mocking noise that foxes make. But I so fucking despise foxes just as much as I hate raccoons. Their personality, almost the same. So disgusting. "You won't win against me, weakling. I've won so many fights, I'm here to beat the useless. Get rid of them once and for all. Seems like you're one of them! Congratulations!" sarcasm runs in their blood.

I have to stay strong and not lose against a damn fox. "If that's what you think you are, then they're speaking bullshit. Just look at yourself. You're nothing more than just a drugged up fox. You need something in order to be strong. Which means you're even easier to beat."

The fox lowered its head and tilted it, giving me an even more taunting look "You're a funny little wolf. How will you possibly do that?"

"I can show you.."

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