Out Of The Blue

575 31 99

1:34 A.M.

I feel like such a fool saying this, but I've never been so in love before. The longer I keep Dream by my side, the more I lose myself. I promised myself to not let my needs takeover the important stuff, since I will get him out of here. That's what I planned and I can't allow myself to go with him. I can't survive out there, Quackity will hunt me down until I'm dead. I'll die sooner or later anyways, I seem to be bothering everyone, especially him and Schlatt. I suppose having allowed myself to love someone not my kind can lead to this, to probably my first ever and last, most dramatic event in life. I don't even know why I'm continuing to write in my diary, but I think this is worth of years of history in the laboratory if others were to read it. Who knows. Sapnap can read. I don't know.
But all I know is, despite this outcome of my life, I can't complain. Dream is a lovely person, someone I can enjoy loving for as long as I remember him. And maybe if I get myself out of here alive after everything dies down, maybe I get to meet him in the future again. Just maybe.

I'll get Dream out today. This is the day that decides everything, so I'll see how things will go.

George has left his diary open on his desk, leaving it for the effect, for the things he had written inside.

In a soft, dark green hoodie, simple black pants and his white coat over him, he dares to step out of his room. The edges of the key card are being dug into the palm of his hand as he presses onto it from anxiety. He's trying his hardest to contain himself and not back away from his plan, no matter how terrifying everything is to him right now.

George, being aware of every single step he takes towards Dream's cell, drowns in tension from his body and all those thoughts trying to hold him back and not commit to this. Despite having gotten so far. But he has to remind himself that Dream's life is in danger, just within a few hours he will die in the hands of a person he once called a friend.

But, all that is soon forgotten once he steps into the comfort of his love's embrace, snapped out of his trance just like that.


Silence is all the couple needs and the touch of one another's bodies. Both their bodies filled with nothing but heavy, negative feelings. Both aware about what is going to happen. They have to expect anything at this point.

"Are you ready...?" George dares to speak first, lifting his head from out of Dream's chest.

Dream caresses his hand through behind the brunet's hair, looking him so deep in the eyes as if he was scared to lose him the second their eye contact would break. "Well... are you ready?"

George looks away, thinking, and hesitant to respond "I.. don't know- No, but-"

"Then neither am I, George. You can take your time"

"But.. Dream, did you forget?" he looks back up "If you're not out of here before sunrise, you'll get killed. You know that we can't waste any more of our time, we have to be ready. I just wanted to ask you for the.. for... to somewhat encourage us."

Dream gently lets George rest his head against his chest again, sighing in defeat "Right... I forgot." and he wishes to have forgotten it again. He just doesn't want to get that through his head and put him into a space of panic. That is the last thing he needs.

George pulls his arms to himself, just to reach his hands up to Dream's face and pull him lower. He presses a kiss to his lips and speaks those words right after: "I love you, Dream. Never forget that. Now, build your courage back and we'll do this together, alright?" he reassures him. "I'll stay by your side, no matter whether something will go by plan or not."

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