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George POV

I wanted to bring Quackity back to Schlatt so I can make sure that he was busy. That was pretty much the reason for my leaving. "Sorry, that's just how Dream is, not trusting anyone here. Which would be pretty understandable in his situation though."

"Yeah, it's whatever. I don't care to be honest, it's just another one of 'em beasts that will die sooner or later."

I sighed and kept silent after that. No point in arguing with Quackity either, I doesn't want to ruin the friendship we got. That's the last thing I'd want to happen.

Little change of topic maybe? "Why do you think did Schlatt do the things he did yesterday? You know, what Sapnap just told. And he came unannounced too, it's not that usual of him to do."

Quackity chuckled "He hasn't been feeling himself lately. He's in one of those phases again, what can I say."

"With the drinking? Is he back at it again?" I wasn't surprised. Well, there's always liquor he consumes bits by bits every day, but then that means he doubled his consumption.

"You can say so."

"But.. Quackity, that doesn't make sense. He seems pretty sober for a man like him. And he still makes decisions for us all. Or are you behind it now?"

"Ehh.. no." Quackity snorted, laughing about something.

I frowned, being very confused of his behavior. I just gave him a bored glance then. "Quackity."

"What?" he chuckled, smiling at me "I'm for real!"

I narrowed my eyes for a moment and then looked forward. "What's up with Schlatt again? Be honest. You're lying to me, I'm not stupid." we both arrived to the door from the office that both Quackity and Schlatt share. I stood across him with my arms crossed.

"George! It's fine! It's not like it's any of your business-"

"No! Don't give me that, Quackity! Everything this is my business if I was dragged here without literal consent, so I deserve to know what the hell's going on!" I'm sick of being lied to, so I can't help but let the tone of my voice raise at him.

Quackity's smile vanished and he just stared at me. I waited for an answer, but all he did was look down to the clipboard he held, read the first few notes and then wordlessly turns to the door to enter his office. The door was slammed shut in front of my face.

I was speechless. I continued to stand there and stare at the white door as if I was waiting for him to return. But no, I was just disappointed with no success of finding out about what's going on.

Seconds later, I hear Schlatt's muffled shouting through the door, and Quackity shouting at him in return. That's clearly an argument. I try to understand what it's about, but I barely read through it.

A loud slam on the desk occurred which was responsible for the silence the split second, until Schlatt shouted again.

There was shouting back and forth for a good two minutes, yet not a single success. My legs started to hurt from standing so still and tense for that long.

Next thing I know is that glass shattered onto the floor, and another wave of silence occurred. This time not even Schlatt spoke.

I won't lie, but that made my heartbeat quicken. I was concerned for Quackity.

I dare bringing my ear directly to the door this time, then I heard Quackity's voice without a yell this time. It was bugging me how I still didn't understand a single word.

I heard the movement of glass being pushed, then footsteps going towards me.

I panicked, stepping back to go through a hall to Dream's direction. I have to pretend I was just walking. I swallowed and tensed up as his steps were going towards me. Fast, angry, sturdy.

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