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George POV

The first sensation I wake up to is the cold surrounding my body, and heavy, soaked clothes being on me.

I squint my eyes at the big raindrops hitting my face.

Someone was holding me from behind with their arms tightly wrapped around my chest, dragging me over the grass. In pure confusion I look around to see who it was.

I look up and see Wilbur who looked exhausted, but smiled at me a little when we held short eye contact and noticed I woke up.

I look around and realized that I was dragged out of the forest. I was searching for Sapnap since he's the last one who I had on my mind before I passed out. We weren't alone, there were some more of the scientists who came for help. Still no sight of Sapnap though.

"Where are we exactly?" I ask.

"George, we're just bringing you and Sapnap back to safety."

"But what about the hybrid..."

"It escaped, we didn't bother doing anything about it because the crows were way too in the way and it was more important to make sure you both were safe before we think about catching something."

"..wait, stop" I demanded because I wanted to stand up properly. I think I was strong enough to do so myself.

Wilbur let me recover when we stood still and he still offered me help. I gripped onto his back and he held me by my waist to keep my balance standing.

I was shivering, from the rain and now regret that I didn't put on gloves or a hat even though I would still be pretty soaked. But would've still been better than nothing?

As we all head towards the same direction with the scientists, I see two small vans in the near distance.


Wilbur carefully drops me off into the passenger seat and finally I had a roof above my head. "Stay here and warm up. We won't be able to drive off right away, we still have something to discuss with Quackity."

He shut the door for me and went to the driver's seat to turn on the heat in the AC and then I was left alone in the van.

I unclip the vest from me and drop it to the floor where I will sit later in the backseats. I hug myself, try to warm up while having the AC blow warm air at me. The drastic temperature changes aren't making me feel good at all though. While there's warm air on my face, the rest of my body feels like freezing cold, not even allowing me to feel my hands nor feet.

All I can wonder is: Where is Sapnap? Is he well? How badly was he injured when I wasn't there to help? He saved my life twice by now, and I couldn't do it even this time. Not once.

I wish I could apologize to him at least. That's the least I can do. I seriously should've just let him shoot the hybrid and every trouble would've been avoided. Really, every trouble and hurt.

Suddenly someone was knocking on my window. I didn't see who it was since the rain was covering the entire window and it was still dark outside.

I groaned and opened the door, then recognized the very familiar woman standing there. "George, I'm really sorry, but you have to get out again. There's something that Quackity has to speak to you about." Niki said, sounding apologetic right away.

Niki is one of the greatest nurses in the laboratory compared to all the others, so I would have expected her to be here in an emergancy such as now. And probably they're here for Sapnap.

"Fine." I say slightly annoyed. I was literally freezing to death right now and Quackity has the nerves to call me outside again. How great and empathetic of him instead of just entering the vehicle and speak with me here.

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