
588 35 47

George POV

"What did you see?" I ask.

"I don't know, but if I didn't imagine it, then I saw a big dark figure running in the distance. Might be a buck or bear though."

"Or a hybrid"

"Or a hybrid, but don't put any high expectations into anything before you'll get disappointed in the end. Gets real depressing over some time."

We carefully walk towards the direction of where Sapnap has apperantly spotted something while I was gone. I simply follow his lead as I have no other choice.

Then suddenly Sapnap slaps his hand onto my chest and easily pushes me back as he casually continues to walk "Bear trap. Do you have a death wish or what?"

I look down to my feet and there indeed was one. One or two steps and I would've just lost a limb because I simply wasn't careful enough. "Why didn't you just warn me beforehand?!" I walk around the trap.

"Are you deaf, George? Not too long ago I literally told you that we set many bear traps around the area. It's common sense to look where you're stepping after being told such thing."

"I don't have night vision, and you know better where you've set the traps. I don't. So quit being a jerk and just tell me where you set them when we come across them" I state my opinion.

"Whatever, if that'll make you shut up. Now, be quiet, listen and look around to spot anything unordinary."

I automatically make more careful steps so I don't step on branches or a pile of leaves that would make lots of noise or have another hidden bear trap.

All I hear is the wind above us which moves the trees, making it difficult to listen to anything else. But, I'm putting most of my trust into my eyes. And, everything seems fine. Even with the help of the moon's bright light, we don't seem to be seeing anything move.

And I'm glad. It's almost like from a horror movie, seeing some creepy creatures living in those empty looking forests that end up chasing someone. I wouldn't survive that for sure because I'm not good in protecting myself and reacting in time.

"Are you sure you saw something?" I whisper over to Sapnap.

"It doesn't hurt to check... We don't have anything better to do."

It will hurt if we'll be in danger because of this. But, that's almost the point, we have to get into risks in order to progress in some way. That's our job.

So, all we do is just walk around and with luck I'm hoping we won't come across anything. To be honest I don't want to do this, hurt and catch the hybrids. I'm just happy to be here, have this opportunity to breathe the fresh air. I'm really grateful.

"Sapnap, come on. There's no one else that can snitch on us if we don't go looking for something. Let's just sit down somewhere and stop thinking about this work at least once in life?" my annoyance spoke very clear through my voice and it made Sapnap stop in his tracks.

He looks at me "Finally, I've waited forever for someone to say that.."

"What?" I was confused.

He continued to walk a few more steps and then stopped by a mostly flat surface. Sapnap sat down and leaned against a tree. I decided to sit down across him by another tree. Before I lean against it, I move my rifle from my back to my chest so I have it more comfortable. "I hate this shit so much, I'm so sick of it" he says.

I raise a brow and chuckled "If you wanted it so badly then why didn't you offer it earlier?"

"I don't know, man! You're unpredictable, no one can be sure whether you'll snitch or not."

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