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George POV

"DREAM" I scream in terror.

"GEORGE?!" Dream repeats, just as terrified.

He got off of me and had genuine fear in his eyes as he looked at me, as if I was the one who tried to kill him.

I sit up and start to hyperventilate. I grab my chest and then rub my right arm. I was covered in cold sweat. I covered my face, trying to stop my fast breathing.

I was terrified. I was shaking uncontrollably.

I felt hesitant tapping on my leg, so I look up to see Dream with the most concerned, disturbed look on his face. That has got to be now one of my many core memories, because I've never seen him that terrified before.

But seeing him still feels like a little relief.

The beast that I saw is not here right now, so I have no reason to panic twice as much.

Tears prickle out of my eyes and so I crawl over to Dream, bumping my forehead into his shoulder while hugging myself.

I didn't dare to close my eyes before that would happen again.

Then I finally feel the weight of arms wrap around me that I waited for. "George? What's going on? You were breathing really weird while you were sleeping"

I heard concern in his voice too.

"Just a.. bad dream..." without having noticed it, my breathing has already started to calm down.

He slightly tightened the hug and rested his head on top of mine. "What happened in your dream that made you react like this?"

I sit up straight and he let go of me. I look down and take his left hand for comfort, maybe support too.

"Just, don't overreact please.." I inhale deeply to get the tension out of my body.

I watch Dream's hand holding my hand in return. I feel warmer in my chest from that. I assume that was his answer to my words.

"I dreamt of you." I began. "Of us. I already don't remember the beginning of the dream, but I know it wasn't a long one. I'm a hundred percent sure. But, to quickly sum it up... I think what happened at the end before I woke up, is that you killed me. I'm assuming. You bit the same arm again and then got my neck. I think it's just that I remembered that you always do that whenever you try to kill people. I saw it. You were always as that big hybrid too. But I was the unlucky one, you managed to get me in my dream.."

"I would never do that."

I started biting my bottom lip from the inside. "But you did try doing that to me once."

He let out a little frustrated sigh. "I'm admitting it, I was an idiot back then. But now I know you better, you mean no intentional harm to me. I won't do anything like that to you anymore. I'm sorry I scared you, George."

I become silent and look down again. I fidget around with his fingers, carefully tracing my own over his sharp claws while I was thinking.

I was trying to remember more of the dream so we had more to talk about instead of apologizing to one another.

When I look up, Dream does so too at the same time and we both look each other in the eyes. All of a sudden I forgot everything in just a heartbeat.

I quickly look away again, feeling nervous. "Uhm.."


I couldn't bite down a smile from that. I quickly try to remember but I'm distracted. What's up with me? "I don't know, I forgot." I admit.

Hybrid (DreamNotFound)Where stories live. Discover now