Chapter 20 Jeongin POV

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"How do you think Jisung hyung and Minho hyung's date is going?" I asked the group. We were all sitting around the TV in the dorm watching some crappy rom-com that Hyunjin hyung had requested.

"Probably fine." Chan hyung said, turning his phone on. "I haven't gotten any messages from Minho."

"Shhhh!" Hyunjin hyung hissed from his spot in Changbin hyung's arms on the couch.

Felix hyung chuckled quietly at Hyunjin. He looked over at Chan hyung to find him on his phone again. Plucking the device out of our hyung's hand, he tossed it across the room, cushioning its landing with a strategically sent soundwave.

"Dude!" Chan hyung exclaimed, standing up to retrieve the device. "Not cool."

"What's not cool is you literally stalking them on Google maps." Felix hyung poked Chan hyung's arm.

"I'm not stalking them. I'm just keeping an eye out."

"By following their location. Stop watching their date and watch the movie. It's much more interesting anyway."


I chuckled under my breath and exchanged a significant look with Seungmin hyung, who rolled his eyes and pointed to the screen.

"Like you're interested in this at all." I whispered.

"If you all do not actually shut your mouths, I will personally send each and every one of you to the underworld." Hyunjin hyung snapped. I shut my mouth quickly and sat back against the back of the couch. I felt a funny lump there that I didn't recognize, but I ignored it and looked at the TV, where the female lead had just been kidnapped by someone right in front of the male leads eyes.

Suddenly, the door burst open. Chan hyung turned around with a smile, but it quickly dropped.

"Where's Jisung?" He asked, which made the rest of us turn around. Even Hyunjin hyung peeled his eyes away from the TV screen where the two leads were sharing a romantic (read disgusting) kiss in the rain.

"I don't - I can't -" Minho hyung stared around the room with wide eyes as his breaths grew quicker and shallower. Felix hyung quickly stood and made his way over to Minho hyung, who stared at him with unknown tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Come sit down." Felix hyung said, grabbing Minho hyung's sleeve and tugging him toward the couch. Minho hyung shook his head. "Okay, can you take some deep breaths for me?" Another shake of the head. "Try. Here, follow my lead. We're going to breathe in for three counts, hold it for three counts, and breathe out for three counts. Okay? Come on. In, two, three. Hold, two three. Out two three. Again. In, two, three..."

Once Minho hyung was breathing regularly again, Felix hyung led him to the couch. He sat for a couple of seconds, breathing deeply and pulling at the skin on his wrist. Hyunjin hyung and I looked at each other worriedly.

"Minho? What happened?" Chan hyung asked.

Minho hyung glanced up at him and then back down at his wrist. A few seconds later, he looked up again with tear streaked cheeks. "He's gone."

"What?" Changbin hyung exclaimed. "What do you mean, he's gone? Jisung?"

Minho hyung nodded. "The thing. It, it took him before I could even do anything. I was right there. I could have stopped it. I could have saved him. He'd be here right now if I was just a little faster. We," He took a shaky breath and smiled bitterly, "We were going to watch a movie, our first movie together as a couple. I was going to ask him to be my boyfriend."

"Oh, Minho hyung." Felix hyung whispered, wrapping his arms around the man whose body wracked with sobs.

I looked over at Chan hyung, who was working his jaw back and forth. Changbin hyung and Hyunjin hyung were glancing back and forth between their sobbing hyung and the leader.

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