Chapter 2 Seungmin POV

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As I watched the new kid be smothered by our members, I scoffed. What makes everybody so excited about this new kid? What's so special about him? Portals? That's like a lamer version of my powers.

Felix looked back at me, apparently having heard my scoff. He tilted his head at me, I could see the worry in his eyes. I shook my head at him, motioning with my hand that I'd tell him later. He nodded in understanding and then turned back to the newest member.

You know, I dont even really know why I'm so bothered by the new kid's presence. I guess I kind of liked being the youngest in the group, even if it was only by a couple of days and I definitely didn't act like the youngest. Now there was another younger member and it looked like he'd actually act somewhat like the youngest and the rest of the group was already fawning over him.
I rolled my eyes and started to walk away back to the small library that Chan hyung had to the side of the building. But I was stopped by a voice.

"Seungmin hyung!" Oh, great... The new kid ran up and stopped a couple feel away from me.

"Where are you going?" He asked still with this stupid persistent smile on his face.

"Library." I answered shortly, hoping that that would make him lose his interest.

 "Ooh, can I come with? It's been forever since I've been to a proper library, and since we're roommates shouldn't we get to know each other?" I mentally groaned, having forgotten what Chan hyung had told me about how he was one of the top students in his school and he enjoyed studying almost as much as I did.

"Look, kid, just because we're roommates doesn't mean I want to know anything about you. We can live in the same room without talking. That's what Minho hyung and I have done." I snapped. "You can come to the library with me, but I'm not talking to you." With widened eyes Jeongin nodded, sealing his lips with an imaginary zipper. Before we left I saw him turn and give a thumbs up to the rest of the group. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

A couple seconds later I heard footsteps running up behind me. I glanced to the side to see the new kid behind me. We walked in silence to the library. I heard him gasp slightly when we came in sight of the building. Okay, I know I said "small" earlier, but it was a decent sized library. There were lots of different books with plenty of different genres for every member. I opened the door and walked in.

"So what-" I heard the new kid start. "Oop, nevermind." Well, that's a first. None of the members listen to me when I say I don't want to talk.

I immediately headed toward the philosophy section. That is my favorite section, because the only other person who understands much of it is Changbin hyung and we don't talk much, so I can avoid talking about what I read. I mean, obviously Chan hyung knows some stuff about philosophy because he's the oldest and the wisest in my opinion, but I dont mind talking to him as much as the rest of the members. They're all too... Loud.
The most chaotic group that you can put together is Jisung, Felix, Hyunjin, and Changbin hyung. And they're normally the ones who do most of the talking and hang out together the most. They just somehow find a way to make everything a joke or make everything dramatic. It's funny to watch sometimes, but other times it just gets to be too much.

I prefer to hang out with Chan hyung and Felix when he's not with the others. Felix is nice to hang out with by himself or with Chan hyung. Minho hyung and I get along okay as well, as long as we don't talk too much. There have been multiple occasions we've had to be pulled apart because we got into a disagreement. Chan hyung put us in a room together, hoping that we would learn to get along better. Yeah... They didn't work out so well...

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