Skz Files: I.N

273 4 20

Yang Jeongin

Power: Teleportation and portals

Position: Specializes in back up and hand to hand combat, extraction


Code name: I.N

Threat Level: 6.5/10 Error Do not underestimate Error

Was raised in a poor environment. Had little food day to day, and often wore the same clothes multiple days in a row. He went to a public school that didn't cost anything, even though he was a pretty smart boy. He tended to surpass his fellow classmates because of his smarts, which made them jealous. Because of their jealousy his classmates started to watch him more closely to find something that they could bother him with. They would follow him as far as they could when he went home, but Jeongin was good at evading and losing them when they were following him too much. They would watch him at school and try to see him being mean to people or something like that. But they couldn't find anything on him. At least not until one day when they noticed him wearing the same clothes a couple days in a row. They cornered him and asked him what that was about. Jeongin had no good way to deny anything, so he just told them the truth and hoped that they wouldn't pick on him too much. Of course, that didn't work and as soon as they found out they went and spread it all around the school, telling everybody that Yang Jeongin wore the same clothes multiple days in a row sometimes, because he didn't have enough clothes to wear different ones everyday. The whole school began to be mean to him, making fun of him and paying more attention to him than he would have wanted. He was wanting to live a quiet peaceful life at school, but because of his classmates he had to deal with a lot. One day when the people were being especially mean he just snapped. His classmates had cornered him in a hidden corner on the school grounds and were burning holes in his favorite shirt with a lighter. He was begging them to stop because he often felt the burning heat of the lighter touching his skin, but they wouldn't listen. Then out of nowhere he felt a strange sensation in his gut, he screamed and a portal appeared on his stomach and the lighter got sucked into it. His classmates got scared and ran away to tell the teacher what had happened. From that day on, his classmates avoided him instead of tormenting him, but was that really much better?

But then came Chan. He had heard rumors of a powered individual from a teacher at Jeongin's school at the store and had gone to see if he could find him. He walked into the school and sent out a telepathy pulse planting the same question in every student's brain, who is the powered student here. Each student answered the same, Yang Jeongin. Chan went to the principal and asked when Jeongin's next break was, saying that he was from an elite school and was trying to recruit Jeongin. The principal seemed wary of him, but quickly told him when. Chan thanked him and went to wait for Jeongin. When Jeongin came out Chan was waiting. He went up to the younger student and asked him what type of power he had. Jeongin was uncomfortable with this and denied having a power at all, not wanting to be experimented on. But Chan sent a reassurance into his brain using telepathy and asked him again. With that Jeongin replied and Chan invited him to his training ground. Jeongin agreed to go with him, and followed him to the grounds. There he first met Seungmin in the entryway. He greeted him with a smile and Seungmin twitched his lip in response. Joined Chan at the age of 17.

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