Skz files: CB97

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Bang Christopher Chan

Power: Telepathy and Telekinesis

Position: Leader, watches over the team from afar with Minho


Code name: CB97

Threat Level: 9/10

Started out in a high, rich neighborhood. Has always been pretty wealthy and never was really in need of anything. His parents started a training ground when Chan discovered his powers. He discovered his powers when he heard some people talking about ruining his father's company. But he didn't actually hear them as they never spoke. He told his parents and they interrogated the man who was thinking that, but they found that he hadn't said anything out loud. Because of this incident he began to shape and train his powers to be useful in protection and combat in case anything ever happened to him and his family. However later in the same year after they founded the training grounds, his parents died in an attack planned by *REDACTED*.

Chan has been training and gathering powered individuals ever since to gain revenge for his family. While he has a decent amount of control over his powers, there are still times that he is overwhelmed by sudden rushes of others thoughts. This can lead to a Telekinesis outbreak where he can't control what he's moving and where he's moving it. Started collecting people at the age of 18.

A/N: this isn't new, I just had to change something, lol.

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