Chapter 8 Changbin POV

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"Oh yes!" Hyunjin cried, he was sitting in front of me and I was helping him clean his back off. "You were going to explain to me why Minho hyung was upset when Felix called him "gay" which I thought meant happy. Since we are sitting here anyways, why should you not do it now?" I choked on my spit.

"What?" I coughed out.

"You said that you were going to explain it to me. Are you not?" Hyunjin asked innocently, turning his head a little bit toward me.

"I don't remember agreeing to this..." I mumbled, focusing on his back again.

"That is because you did not agree to it." The boy in front of me chirped. "But since we are stuck here I figured that you could tell me."

"Ah geez... I don't really want to give an eighteen year old the-"

"Birds and bees talk. Yes, you said that earlier. But I believe I have a right to know. Everybody else seems to be perfectly aware of what it means, and I feel like I should know if I am to continue living with you all." I sighed. He had a point.

"Fine. Basically, to put it very simply, the meaning of the word "gay" changed."

"Well, duh. That much is obvious." Hyunjin interrupted. I laughed, it was weird to hear the word "duh" coming out of his mouth. He always spoke so properly and never even used words with apostrophes like don't, or isn't, or won't, instead using their proper forms like, do not, or is not, or will not. So hearing slang was definitely an adventure.

"Who taught you that?" I snickered.

"Felix. Why? Is there something wrong with that word? He told me it meant obviously." Oh my gosh, he's so innocent.

"It does, it just surprised me to hear you using slang." I clarified quickly.

"I am trying to talk more like the human species, I think I sound strange compared to the way the rest of Stray Kids talk." He explained. Then he winced as I went over one of his scars.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "But you don't have to change the way that you talk if you don't want to. I don't think that any of the members mind, in fact I heard Jisung saying that he thought the way you talked was cool."

"Thank you, hyung. But I still think that I should learn more about modern slang, so that I can understand more of what the rest of you are saying. Which is why I want to know what gay means. You are changing the subject, pay attention." He had taken on a more reproachful tone and his voice had deepened slightly.

"That's hot."

"There is is again." Hyunjin sighed. "What does hot mean? You are obviously not talking about the temperature." I flinched.

"Oh, did I say that out loud?" I asked carefully.

"Yes. Why? Is it something I should not have heard? I can pretend I did not hear it."

Chuckling softly, I shook my head. "No, that's okay. You don't have to pretend you didn't hear it. Just ask Felix to explain next time you see him."

"We are getting off topic again!" Hyunjin complained. "What does gay mean?"

"Well, basically... It's, um... You see..." I was hesitant to tell him. I shouldn't have been, after all I just scolded him for keeping secrets. But what if he wants to leave the group after finding out that the majority of us aren't solely interested in the opposite gender, if at all?

"Ah, screw it." I groaned. "It means you like the same gender. Men like men and women like women, but not like friendship, like romantically and sexually." A pause followed my statement and I began to get worried.

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