Chapter 15 Hyunjin POV

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Jeongin and I walked behind as Seungmin and Changbin hyung argued the whole way to the dorm. To be quite honest, I do not know exactly why Changbin hyung has such a problem with Seungmin. I enjoy spending time with all if the members and I wish he would get to know Seungmin more.

"Ugh, I just wish they would talk like civilized human beings instead of just arguing all the time." Jeongin groaned beside me.

"I quite agree. I think they would get along very well if they would see their differences aside." I nodded.

"Exactly. I mean, I don't know Changbin hyung as well as you do, but he seems pretty nice. Maybe if they got to know each other..." Jeongin raised his voice slightly, likely hoping that the two in front of us would hear his words.

"Not a chance."

"No way."

The two men's voices came. Jeongin rolled his eyes.

"Maybe I'll just switch rooms with Changbin hyung and force them to room together." Jeongin called.

"I'll murder you if you do." Changbin hyung snapped.

"No murder on my watch." Seungmin snapped, smacking Changbin hyung's arm.

"You wanna go, lightning boy?" Changbin hyung growled.

"Bring it on, Mr. Flare."

"That's it." Jeongin snapped. I turned to look at him, shocked at his sudden outburst. "If you two don't start doing something differently, Hyunjin hyung and I will leave you two to do it yourselves."

"But Innie-" Seungmin started.

"No," I spoke up for the first time. "He is right. You two need to start getting along. It is very hard to watch you two fight so much when I know you would get along."

"What Hyunjin hyung said. Forget compiling the data for a second. Sit down." Jeongin ordered, plopping onto the grass, Seungmin following suit not long after.

"Hyunjin, come on, let's just go do it ourselves." Changbin hyung rolled his eyes. But I glared at him and sat down myself. He looked startled, but quickly let out a sigh and dropped onto the grass.

"Now. Why do you two hate each other?" Jeongin started.

"We don't." Changbin hyung mumbled, playing with the grass in front of him. "Or at least I don't."

"What?" Seungmin scoffed. "What do you mean you don't hate me? You obviously do."

"No I don't. You're just so convinced that you need to be the smartest here that when I showed up, you felt threatened." Changbin hyung snapped.

"That's ridiculous. You started it." Seungmin flushed.

"When and where?" Changbin hyung shot.

"The day I came. You were glaring me down, and muttering under your breath. It's clear you hated me then and you hate me now."

"Gosh, I thought you were smart. Jump to conclusions much?"

"I was not jumping to conclusions. You were. Even after that, I offered to help you with some stuff and you ignored me."

"Again, when? And was anybody else there?"

"Yeah, Hyunjin and Chan hyung were there too. It was when you were designing the fabric for our uniforms."

"Was I working on something at the moment?"

"I don't know. Why is that inportant?"

"Because when I'm working on something I get really focused and sometimes I don't hear what's going on around me."

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