Chapter 19 Jisung POV

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"Hyung~ Come on! I'm ready!" I yelled through the door.

"I'm coming, just give me a second." Minho hyung yelled back.

I rocked back and forth on my toes excitedly, fingering the strap of my bag. Minho hyung had managed to convince Chan hyung to let us go out to dinner since we'd never been on an official date. Minho hyung hadn't told me where we were going yet, but I was excited. Finally the door opened.

Minho hyung backed out speaking to the other person in the room, who I assume was Chan hyung. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. We'll be careful. Chill, hyung, we'll be fine. I've got you on speed dial, okay? Shut up. Bye." With that he shut the door and turned toward me. He looked me up and down and grinned. "You look great, baby."

"Speak for yourself." I gaped. With the work we do, I rarely see anybody dressed up since we mostly wear clothes that are comfy and we can move in easily, like sweats and hoodies. But now Minho hyung was dressed in a silk button down and black slacks. And dang, he looked hot.

He chuckled. "Come on. We've got until midnight before Chan hyung files two missing persons reports." He offered an arm.

"Okay... But let's watch a movie together when we get back?" I skipped up to him and slipped my arm through his.

"Deal. Now let's go." With that he led me toward the exit of the campus.

He checked the screen that showed the street first to make sure no one was there and then he pressed the button that made the wall open. As soon as we were clear of the entrance the brick wall appeared again, concealing our home from outsiders.

The restaurant we were going to was a pretty small one that we knew next to nothing about. As we walked he told me that all he knew about it was what the reviews on Naver said. But from those it was a nice restaurant with good service and clean facilities. A BBQ place. I was so glad that he didn't decide to take me to a fancy place. I wasn't sure if I would have known how to act.

When we walked into the restaurant, we were asked how many people would be in our party.

"I'm assuming four?" The host asked.

"No. It's just us two." Minho hyung said.

The host raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Just you two... men?"

"Yes. Just us two men." Minho hyung crossed his arms. "Is there a problem?"

"Of course not, sir. It's just that this is, uh... an interesting choice for a friendly hangout." The host gestured to the decor which had a romantic vibe to it.

"Sung, would you like to go elsewhere?" Minho hyung asked me. "It's no problem if you do." He winked subtly at me.

"Oh! Yeah, actually that might be a better idea. I was planning on ordering a lot anyways and I don't want to overwhelm them." I played along with him, preparing to lead him out of the restaurant.

"Wait!" The host called.

Minho hyung smirked. He turned around to face the host, pasting a nonchalant look on his face. "Yes?"

"I wasn't meaning to judge you. Of course you can come here as friends. We welcome people of any kind. I was just..." The host trailed off when he saw Minho hyung's face. He cleared his throat nervously. "Uh, table for two then?"

"Please." Minho hyung said. The host rustled around underneath the host's stand for a second and then stood up and gestured for us to follow him.

As we followed the man to our table I pressed my lips to Minho hyung's ear. "That was really hot." He was visibly tense when I leaned back, and for the rest of the time while our server asked us what meat we wanted. Once the server walked away he grabbed my hand across the table.

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