Chapter 5 Minho POV

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Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings.
The world for once, in perfect harmony
With all it's living things!

I groaned and tried to sit up, surprised by the song. Normally Chan hyung would just shake my shoulder or leg lightly. But there was a weight on top of me and the Lion King blasting in my ear. I opened my eyes to find Jisung on top of me cuddled into my chest. His cheeks were puffed out and his lips had formed a pout. I smiled at him softly, remembering the things that happened last night. Then I became aware of my surroundings.

Gathered around the couch was the rest of Stray Kids. Changbin and Hyunjin were standing together on the left side of the couch smiling. Seungmin and Jeongin were standing closer to my head on the right side of the couch, Seungmin looked satisfied and Jeongin was grinning wildly. In front of the couch were Chan hyung and Felix. Chan hyung had his arms crossed, but was smiling fondly and Felix had an evil grin on his face and his phone in his hand blasting the song at us. I glared at them, hugging Jisung tighter to me, which prompted a chorus of quiet "aww"s from the boys around us.

"You're going to wake him up!" I hissed. Chan hyung shook his head.

"Minho, you have to get up now, it's 6:34." He said.

"Besides," Felix added. "Sung's alarm would have gone off a couple minutes ago if he was up in our room. So you can't really complain about him getting up earlier than normal."

"At least let me wake him up." I sighed. Felix looked at Chan hyung who nodded. Felix turned the song off and followed the rest of the boys to the kitchen.

"Jisung." I whispered, rubbing his back. He shifted and breathed heavily. "Sung." Continuing to rub his back I began to place light kisses on his head as well. He moved again with a groan. "Sungie." I moved my hands to his lower back where his shirt had ridden up as we slept. He groaned again, this time looking up with sleepy eyes. When he saw me he smiled.

"G'morning." He rasped, voice thick with sleep. "You're tickling me." He pushed himself up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"That was the point. Now give me a kiss." I chuckled softly.

"I just did." He stretched his arms above his head. I pointed to my lips and he rolled his eyes. "And I thought I was clingy." But he obliged planting a quick kiss on them.

"Thank you!" I sang quietly. He giggled and laid back down on my chest.

"Is anybody else up?" He asked.

"Yeah, they're all waiting in the kitchen." I answered. He hummed thoughtfully.

"Then I suppose I should get up." He pushed himself up again, this time getting off of the couch. I followed suit, standing up and following him into the kitchen.

We ate breakfast quickly, trying to ignore the teasing glances and smiles that were aimed at us. Chan hyung finished first and told us that when we finished we should clean up quickly and then join him out in the training field. We all slowly finished our meal and meandered out to the training grounds.

When we were all gathered Chan hyung walked to the front of us with a smile.

"Well, this morning was adventurous. Congratulations to Minho and Jisung, I hope whatever you have lasts a long time and you are both happy. However, we can't leave out our training especially with a new member in our ranks. So shall we show him how it's done!" He called out with a raised fist. The rest of us joined in a loud cheer. "Today we'll focus on our strength training and then we'll do some sparring." Chan hyung announced. He grinned evilly. "Prepare to be sore tomorrow. Stray Kids!"

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